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Indonesian executions.

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Austrailia have recalled their ambassador.


Sadly the cynic in me suspects the Aussies would have tried a little bit harder if the drug dealers looked a little less Asian and a bit more true blue fair dinkum Aussies ie white.


nope. They tried really hard to save Barlow and Chambers who were hanged in Malaysia in 1986 were both white, one of them was even born in Britain. Michael McAuliffe, who the Malaysians also hanged in 1989, was also white.


Australians in drugs cases who are Asian are the ones likeliest to have the contacts in the Asian countries, therefore likelier to be ringleaders, therefore likelier to be executed.

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The Australian SAS should have extracted them out of there and then they should have been locked up in Australia - the drug smugglers I mean, not the ozzy SAS.


So you are advocating potentially starting a war to save two people who broke the law?


Do people think before they type?

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It's not something I'd like to see in this country (though for some murderers I do support the death penalty). But, their country, their laws.


The smugglers knew the risks involved but went ahead anyway, so it's no use moaning when you are caught.


The Aussie government's reaction puzzles me - wasn't it the Australian Federal Police who tipped the Indonesians off about these guys?

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The death penalty is pathetic, whatever the circumstance, I am rather worried that Indonesia is radicalising, it is the biggest Muslim country in the world (in terms of population) and if things kick off there it isn't going to be pretty, there are a hell of a lot of lingering subversive groups from times gone by, Indonesia is nowhere near a singular culture and it could get really nasty, all these people need is an excuse to rise against Java.

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I'm ambivalent about the death penalty, though I do think anyone who breaks drug laws in countries where there is the death penalty are stupid beyond measure. Either that or greed blinds them to the possible consequences.


What does astonish me is the near hero worship of these men by some people.

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