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Adults crossing "on the red man" in front of kids

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No it isn't! If I'm in a hurry and I'm approaching a crossing with little traffic around I will cross it. You can explain to your child that as a grown up I have learned to cross roads safely with or without a crossing whereas they have to wait.

It's just as important that children learn to respect that adults can do what they want when they want and will face the consequences. Children may be little people but the rules that apply to them don't always apply to the grown ups.

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Agree entirely gnomi :) That's my (and I think Cyclone's) point completely.


I am not responsible for what anybody else teaches their child about road crossing, how to treat other people, obeying laws or a million and one other things. I am a moral and law abiding person but I'm not permanently checking around me to see if there's a child present before I cross a road.


I have regularly picked other people's children up on playgrounds when they have fallen, I have stopped children from stepping out onto roads and the other day I stopped a random child and asked him not to throw his litter on the floor and pointed him to a rubbish bin where he could dispose of it instead (thankfully he was a polite young man and he picked up his rubbish and put it in the bin instead of having a go at me or slashing my tyres).

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The fact that you Justin are setting an example is the best thing - forget what other people do. Your children will follow your lead. There are lots of things other adults do that I don't find acceptable, but because I don't do those things I hope that my children will take after me. That is all you can do when you have children, control what you do -you can't stop others. At some point when your child is older they will become more aware of what others do, but if you bring them up right they shouldn't stray to far.


If I was stood at a crossing right now, I wouldn't be concerned about the children holding their parents hands waiting for the green man. They'll will be alright. Its the kids who's parents don't teach them how to cross. There is a crossing near me - I have seen kids not using it, being watched by their parents, running across a dual carriage way. They were not using it because instead of walking a few metres to the crossing they cross straight outside their house. Those are the kids that really need to be shown how to cross a road safely, but because they are not using the crossing it's going to make no difference whether I wait for the green man or not.

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The problem is, a 2/3/4 year old is more likely to copy the actions of someone they see rather than understand what you say to them.


Yes, you shouldn't have to be responsible for setting an example of someone else's child, however a child will copy what they see and so, in some ways, we do have a social responsibility to help each other.


Also, how many times do we see it where the parent themselves have no actual parenting skills - you know the ones: shouting and swearing at their kids etc. - it's not the child's fault, and so I personally feel the need to help a child if I can. Just a personal thing, but what's wrong with wanting a society that helps each other instead of ignorance and looking out for number one? Those saying it's not their responsibility would do well to remember their words the net time they're in trouble and no one stops to help them because their problems are not the responsibility of others'...


---------- Post added 12-06-2015 at 07:51 ----------


No it isn't! If I'm in a hurry and I'm approaching a crossing with little traffic around I will cross it. You can explain to your child that as a grown up I have learned to cross roads safely with or without a crossing whereas they have to wait.

It's just as important that children learn to respect that adults can do what they want when they want and will face the consequences. Children may be little people but the rules that apply to them don't always apply to the grown ups.


That's a ludicrous theory!!! Adults can't just 'do what they want', that's why we have laws.

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I would have thought that common sense when using a pelican crossing ie. crossing on the green man when children are about is not too much to ask. It's all very well saying it is parents responsibility to teach the children road safety when they see adults ignoring the green cross code. Thats called being irresponsible


No it's not.


Your child WILL see "bad" behaviour (much worse than legally and safely crossing the road)


I have no issue with people saying "tut, look at that naughty man" to their kids, as I understand it is best for kids to ALWAYS wait for the green. And also never to place all trust in the green light.....


It's the same as adults drinking "mucky beer".


Those kids will grow up and then be able to cross on a red man when safe (and be described as "naughty" by other parents for doing so), drink as little or much "mucky beer" as they deem suitable, vote for the political party they feel they should and all those other things that kids don't do

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The problem is, a 2/3/4 year old is more likely to copy the actions of someone they see rather than understand what you say to them.


Yes, you shouldn't have to be responsible for setting an example of someone else's child, however a child will copy what they see and so, in some ways, we do have a social responsibility to help each other.


Also, how many times do we see it where the parent themselves have no actual parenting skills - you know the ones: shouting and swearing at their kids etc. - it's not the child's fault, and so I personally feel the need to help a child if I can. Just a personal thing, but what's wrong with wanting a society that helps each other instead of ignorance and looking out for number one? Those saying it's not their responsibility would do well to remember their words the net time they're in trouble and no one stops to help them because their problems are not the responsibility of others'...


---------- Post added 12-06-2015 at 07:51 ----------



That's a ludicrous theory!!! Adults can't just 'do what they want', that's why we have laws.


Of course they can do what they like! What on earth have laws got to do with anything? I can choose to go and burgle a house if I want. As I said before, I would then have to deal with the consequences, in this scenario, getting caught and going to prison.


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I once heard a woman being "told off" by a small child in an innocent "ooh look at that naughty lady" kind of way. The woman did look a bit sheepish.


I'd feel far too guilty to cross when the green man isn't lit up if there's little kids waiting dutifully to cross.


---------- Post added 13-06-2015 at 23:10 ----------


I ran this by my other half today. He said it wouldn't occur to him to stick to the green cross code to the letter if there were little kids around.


I asked him if this would still be the case if we were with our friends and their kids and he said he would be on best road crossing behaviour.


So I'm thinking now it might be me that's overly concerned about setting a good example. But I don't want to be shamed by a 4 year old :)

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Of course they can do what they like! What on earth have laws got to do with anything? I can choose to go and burgle a house if I want. As I said before, I would then have to deal with the consequences, in this scenario, getting caught and going to prison.



But you don't burgle houses because you know it's wrong... just like we know drinking and driving is wrong and can cause fatal accidents...


Guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

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But you don't burgle houses because you know it's wrong... just like we know drinking and driving is wrong and can cause fatal accidents...


Guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.


I Guess so.

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