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City taxis buyout Mercury taxis in uber scare

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my bold=

You was a new driver once, give them a chance to get up to scratch! :hihi:


I still remember my first cash job mafya, 13 years later. (I did credit for 2 years before being given a cash job)


I would tell you about it, because it was amusing (in taxi terms), waste of time here now.


All the other posts are just twitter type nonsense. That type of crap is everywhere now, and it's spread to here now. I just can't be arsed anymore.



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Uber will win because it's cheaper, and when they say it's a fiver it'll actually be a fiver... No more being skanked on the way home from the pub!


Well, that's taxi firms in 1975 for you.


Meanwhile, back in the Space Year 2015, City Taxis now have clearly visible meters that show you the price you'll be paying. In nice big digits so even if you're a bit sloshed you can still make them out.


I make the same journey quite often and guess what? It's always the same price on the meter.


Now either I'm very lucky with the drivers I get or some people on here just have a knack for annoying taxi drivers.

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Well, that's taxi firms in 1975 for you.


Meanwhile, back in the Space Year 2015, City Taxis now have clearly visible meters that show you the price you'll be paying. In nice big digits so even if you're a bit sloshed you can still make them out.


I've had City drivers covering the phone thing up so you can't see the amount and then at the end of the journey ask for an amount which you can't verify.

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Ignoring that this just appears to be a rant that's pretty light on facts... What stops the self-employed drivers launching their own new taxi companies, nobody makes them work for city or mercury.


You ask so lets look at the obvious. The drivers work to earn a living, they do not earn unless their wheels are turning and they have passengers. City is a big firm with lots of drivers so people know if they call city generally they won't be waiting very long so lots of people use city, so there is lots of work.


Independents or small firms can not always promise short waiting times so they don't get called as often so they cant offer as much work to the driver.


It is not rocket science.


I seldom need a taxi for myself but I prefer independents or very small firms that I know I can trust them to not send me a driver I wouldn't want.


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Did you email them by pressing "Reply" to their cancellation charge email? I did that and got no reply.


I had a similar reaction to yourself when I discovered they are another dotcom with no phone number or other obvious way to contact them.


Fortunately I had remembered the email address supportuk@uber.com from their appearance on BBC Watchdog. That does get through to a human somewhere and they refunded within just minutes.


Goodness knows who I would be able to sue if it went really wrong.


I sent them another email kicking off again and they replied this time. They've refunded me the money but don't think i'll use them again.

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