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City taxis buyout Mercury taxis in uber scare

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I think it will have a small place in the market because there are people who will pay high prices when it's busy. I don't agree with that. If I'm picking up people who use us regularly, then how is it fair to charge them 3x as much on a busy Saturday?


It will just alter people's habits and they just won't go out on Saturday (or whatever day it may be) anymore, and I want people going out any night of the week and knowing how much it will cost.




At normal prices it's hard to make ends meet, so charging £3.37 etc. (and much less btw, I've seen a few drivers accounts) the good cars/drivers won't last, AND AREN'T! they're coming back every day. Now Rotherham has started (well on Friday) you'll get whatever there is. I saw a P-Reg Carina yesterday! How can we compete against no vehicle rules? What will and is happening is all the old crap cars that Rotherham have will pick up Sheffield trade.




I agree there isn't. If I could get hold of Uber's records I'd put the people who try them first at the back of the queue when they phone a Sheffield company, I'd rather pick up people first who ring us first.




I've answered that above re: Rotherham.




Scaremongering? Did you see the sarcastic :hihi: because I was using other people's methods of writing?


btw, if you pay Sheffield council tax, enjoy paying for all these out of towners in your CTAX.


My bold=

If it was a green one you saw then it belongs to a relative of mine, it's an auto with 35 thousand genuine miles on the clock so probably a lower mileage engine then the car you drive so stop being ageist! :hihi:

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It seems unlikely for so many reasons, that Uber would come into the marketplace, push all competitors out with low prices, and then put prices up so far that people actually stop going out, thus presumably putting themselves out of business, but that's a nice dystopian future fantasy world you've created to justify your point of view.


Uber do have vehicle rules, if you bothered to do any research. I posted a car list many pages back from another city before they started here. I don't know about City but they certainly have significantly higher standards than most/any of the black cab owners in this city, both in terms of vehicle and service. And UberExec is a higher standard than almost all of city's cars, for very slightly more cost.


I don't understand your xenophobia of anything outside of Sheffield, does nobody in Rotherham take taxis, is there no market for them there? What makes you think everyone in Rotherham is desperate to operate in Sheffield? And who actually cares?


The same naivety which destroyed and continues to destroy everything in this country.


I don't understand your xenophobia of anything outside of Sheffield, does nobody in Rotherham take taxis, is there no market for them there? What makes you think everyone in Rotherham is desperate to operate in Sheffield? And who actually cares?


Precisely and there is my point.


With that kind of attitude I hope you go out of business soon, of course your customers are going to compare different firms before making a choice. And when taxi firms will offer an estimated fare and availability at the push of a button, we'd be pretty daft not to, loyalty only buys us an over priced bill or a long wait.


Uber to me isn't a big deal, it's a taxi firm without a phone and with variable pricing. There had been a lot of hype but they are losing money hand over fist (that's Uber not the drivers) so fares will go up, I'm sure City and Mercury have survived upstart firms with low prices in the past.


thanks :)


With that kind of attitude I hope you go out of business soon, of course your customers are going to compare different firms before making a choice. And when taxi firms will offer an estimated fare and availability at the push of a button, we'd be pretty daft not to, loyalty only buys us an over priced bill or a long wait.


Uber to me isn't a big deal, it's a taxi firm without a phone and with variable pricing. There had been a lot of hype but they are losing money hand over fist (that's Uber not the drivers) so fares will go up, I'm sure City and Mercury have survived upstart firms with low prices in the past.


Let me spell it out. I've said from the beginning of this thread that I'm NOT worried about Uber, it is what they have helped alter with the law.




People who can't get licenses with Sheffield Council are just legally now going to the places where they hand them out, and working here.


There is one at the moment from Angelsey. Do you think it's worth the trip every day for a few £3 fares?

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I think it will have a small place in the market because there are people who will pay high prices when it's busy. I don't agree with that. If I'm picking up people who use us regularly, then how is it fair to charge them 3x as much on a busy Saturday?


It will just alter people's habits and they just won't go out on Saturday (or whatever day it may be) anymore, and I want people going out any night of the week and knowing how much it will cost.




At normal prices it's hard to make ends meet, so charging £3.37 etc. (and much less btw, I've seen a few drivers accounts) the good cars/drivers won't last, AND AREN'T! they're coming back every day. Now Rotherham has started (well on Friday) you'll get whatever there is. I saw a P-Reg Carina yesterday! How can we compete against no vehicle rules? What will and is happening is all the old crap cars that Rotherham have will pick up Sheffield trade.




I agree there isn't. If I could get hold of Uber's records I'd put the people who try them first at the back of the queue when they phone a Sheffield company, I'd rather pick up people first who ring us first.




I've answered that above re: Rotherham.




Scaremongering? Did you see the sarcastic :hihi: because I was using other people's methods of writing?


btw, if you pay Sheffield council tax, enjoy paying for all these out of towners in your CTAX.


Sadly and shamefully I pay CC to Rotherham...not sure which is worse. Uber drivers have to conform to the local private driver rules. That's that. No better or worse than Rotherham cars or from that other local authority with 'naff' rules. Perhaps rather than scaremongering over Uber, why don't you campaign to enforce UK wide private hire rules?

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The city app also does this, only difference is city don't have surge pricing.



No, they are just constantly more expensive.

As I said earlier, I'm now up to at least 50 Uber trips in Sheffield. Not once have I had to pay a surge price. Even if I did, I'd still be way ahead seeing as City is always £1-2 dearer for a trip in my case.

So I'm £50-£100 in credit, and that's not even counting the free rides I've had due to the promotions.

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Am I supposed to tip if I use Uber? I always do on City.


You can set the app to tip if you want. I'll be honest, I don't. Which is another reason it is cheaper. I always used to chuck another 50p-£1 to the driver.

So thinking about it, I'm even more in credit.

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Odd that they declared an £866,000 profit this year [LINK].


Do SF members just find it easier to pull "facts" like this out of their asses? Is even a token effort at research beyond you?


It was widely reported in the tech press:




Uber are the definition of a tech bubble company. Last time a tech bubble burst the impact was fairly low on day to day life but if companies such as Uber collapse under the weight of their own hype there will be greater consequences.

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Sadly and shamefully I pay CC to Rotherham...not sure which is worse.


fair enough :hihi:


Uber drivers have to conform to the local private driver rules. That's that. No better or worse than Rotherham cars or from that other local authority with 'naff' rules. Perhaps rather than scaremongering over Uber, why don't you campaign to enforce UK wide private hire rules?


My god how many times?


I'm not worried about Uber taking our work in Sheffield. I've said enough times that I don't think it will work.


Are you aware of the Deregulation Act 2015, that what I've been harping on about?


This is what I wrote and you quoted earlier:


I think Uber won't work in Sheffield, and I've always said that, but by altering and a slight change to the licensing laws, has opened the doors for other companies to compile a huge number of cars from out of town. It's already happened. Uber have just used their power to manipulate the law to allow them to operate (personally I think this all started in the UK after that ECHR case from one bloke who said his human rights were broken because his work area was restricted).



The main point being that the first time that one of these out of town drivers causes a serious problem, then my livelihood as all other Sheffield drivers is at risk.


As I wrote in the last post, do you think it's profitable for a driver to drive all the way from Angelsey every day? Or Newcastle, or Nottingham, or Chester, or Dewsbury? (these are all ones I see regularly)


Can you give me a reason why you think they are here? I've already said the answer.

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Let me spell it out. I've said from the beginning of this thread that I'm NOT worried about Uber, it is what they have helped alter with the law.




People who can't get licenses with Sheffield Council are just legally now going to the places where they hand them out, and working here.


There is one at the moment from Angelsey. Do you think it's worth the trip every day for a few £3 fares?


The changes are typical deregulation by a typical Tory government, they look for every opportunity to remove any type of "barrier to entry". I suspect what you will see now is councils reducing the licensing requirements in their constituency, see Derby's response. The regional nature of taxi licensing is pretty old hat when you have multinational companies entering the fray I wouldn't be surprised if this is taken on by central government eventually.

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