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Horrid business, horrid neighbour - I need help

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So I am from the states originally (please don't hold that against me), so I do not know what I can do to resolve the issue I am about to describe.


Two of my neighbours are restaurants. The paths that access my flat take me past these restaurants. One of them is very clean and respectful (I saw one of their staff clean up a spill he made, despite no one witnessing he spilled). The other... The other has a laundry list of issues.


1) A few years ago (before I moved in) they did some sort of repair that damaged the roof of the buildings (this is known to everyone in these properties). But said damage caused water damage in my flat (never repaired) and damp (all but one room is clear of this).

2) I have witnessed ant infestations in their kitchen (they leave the door open so I can see in when I walk home).

3) I have witnessed pigeons walk/fly into the kitchen (again, they leave the door open).

4) I have seem them leave containers of hot prepped food to cool, without lids on, on windowsills that I have witnessed homeless and drunk people urinating on (this was the first thing I actually noticed about this place).

5) At times, especially in the morning, they utterly reek and I can smell it certain areas of my flat (not a real issue but just icing on the cake).

6) A few weeks ago, they over filled their rubbish bin. Instead of fixing this, they continued to put trash in their neighbouring restaurant's bin and in the residential bin. For three weeks, no one collected the bins because they were overflowing, to the point where one of the paths to my flat was inaccessible. (Council refused to do much...)

7) Shortly following that experience, I found industrial kitchen rubbish directly in front of my flats front window along with over 14 broken eggs just left on the car park and road (and the ant trail that came from their restaurant to the eggs).

8 ) Kind of forgot this one, I witnessed one of their people spill mashed up avocado on the stairs outside the flats and restaurants (slippery stuff) and not clean it up. In addition to this other food items, have been left out (while I haven not witnessed it, usually it does trail directly back to their kitchen door).

9) they leave other industrial and kitchen waste on the path by their doors.

10) and yesterday they ordered a skip, parked in the car park directly in front of my front door, overfilled it... and today there is now rubbish piled against my door. Outside of the smell and people rummaging around through it, really can't get out my front damn door (and the skip company says they can do nothing until after dinner).


What can I do?

Edited by zjp87
fixed it so the that 8 wasn't showing up was a emoticon.
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I should firstly complain to your landlord. They may have a mechanism for sorting it out.

Council environmental health would be a good start also. Take photos of the infestations and cooling stuff and waste etc. An audit trail of proof would be a help.

Persistence with the council is the key - take notes of dates and times and to whom you have spoken. If they know they are having their names taken they may just do something.

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I should firstly complain to your landlord. They may have a mechanism for sorting it out.

Council environmental health would be a good start also. Take photos of the infestations and cooling stuff and waste etc. An audit trail of proof would be a help.

Persistence with the council is the key - take notes of dates and times and to whom you have spoken. If they know they are having their names taken they may just do something.

in a good world, I would agree. But those who run this restaurant may be unsavoury characters who may resort to further intimidation and who knows what. Be careful.


If it were me, I would be putting in my notice to move out.

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Environmental health are the ones to get onto, they'll be able to enter and tear the place a new one.

If you suspect they are employing illegal workers then speak to customs and boarder protection agency (or whatever they are called now)


Personally I'd be inclined to start tossing all their rubbish back in through the open door.

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So I am from the states originally (please don't hold that against me), so I do not know what I can do to resolve the issue I am about to describe.


Follow post #2 or buy a trap and catch a rat. Take into environmental health and slap it down on reception desk.

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