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Are any of the political promises valid if (as seems) there's a..

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With all the wild promises of doing this that and the other from all of the parties, and not necessarily contained in their manifesto, will those all be forgotten or counted as null and void if they 'have to' share power with a coalition?


As is looking increasingly likely, someone is going to have to 'share' with one of the minor players. Will they just shrug and say, well all those promises only applied if we won outright.

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I would assume that in the event of a coalition then compromises would have to be made..I'd have thought that would be understandable...


So whoever gets in power, we can assume anything good isn't going to materialise?

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I think it might be better if there was no formal coalition, but case by case dealing to get things passed. Then MPs would have to work hard to justify their position to opponents, and win them over with sound, solid arguments. It works in other countries.


I also think they ought to pay more attention to public opinion, (there's a novelty...) with polls, focus groups etc.


Might be a disaster, but no one said politics was easy.

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So the LD's didn't have any influence on any aspect of government?


It's often been said they had a very positive influence over the Tory policies and normalised many of their more extreme measures.


I can't think of one off the top of my head tho.

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