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Are you better or worse off than this time 5 years ago?

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Slightly better off but much more optimistic. Won't affect how I vote(d).


Much as I like Ed Milliband I'm terrified of Labours overall economic acumen. Their idea of economics is swelling the state and creating 'red tape' jobs. Goes against individual responsibility and hence personal freedom.


Plus I can't possibly vote for the rabble that Labour put forward for Sheffield MP's.

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Loads better off, a lot to do with the good the current government have done, I'll be keeping my vote with the Tories.


A lot better. Will be voting conservative.


I'm skint but I'll be voting Tory just to keep up with the Joneses!

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Not exactly better off, my inheritance is running out. ;)


---------- Post added 01-05-2015 at 22:19 ----------


Slightly better off but much more optimistic. Won't affect how I vote(d).


Much as I like Ed Milliband I'm terrified of Labours overall economic acumen. Their idea of economics is swelling the state and creating 'red tape' jobs. Goes against individual responsibility and hence personal freedom.


Plus I can't possibly vote for the rabble that Labour put forward for Sheffield MP's.

I would prefer someone else as the Labour leader, but having reservations about him as a future PM isn't going to stop me voting for Labour.
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Capital assetts increased (due to inheritance)

House value reduced

Wage increase around 2-3% over this time (well below inflation)

Pension worth less than 2009

Another Pension company gone bust and in the Pension Protection Fund which has a reduction

Retirement working to 68 before I can get my pension now


Oh I long for those days under Labour when we had decent pay rises and I could look forward to retirement safe in the knowledge I'd got a couple of decent pensions.

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Capital assetts increased (due to inheritance)

House value reduced

Wage increase around 2-3% over this time (well below inflation)

Pension worth less than 2009

Another Pension company gone bust and in the Pension Protection Fund which has a reduction

Retirement working to 68 before I can get my pension now


Oh I long for those days under Labour when we had decent pay rises and I could look forward to retirement safe in the knowledge I'd got a couple of decent pensions.


You must be a lefty Marxist nutcase to want such things? It's much easier to graft your balls off for a pittance and be a Tory supporter.

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