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Have you changed your opinion?

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A friend claimed to have more open political views than myself, I was rather offended by this, as I believe the opposite, and I class him as a right winger with very anti-chav views. He said this because I had recently joined a political party, which means I may have to tow a party line in official party matters, but not now, in normal discussions.


Do we all think that we are unbiased and open-minded, how can open mindedness by tested?



Because people wouldn't change their opinion doesn't make the thread useless. Sometimes it's good to find out others experiences, especially when the mass media are pushing a particular agenda.
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Yes I have. I was too young to vote in 97 but I would have voted Labour. I voted Conservative in the early 2000s because Labour introduced tuition fees and my MP (Mr Bercow) was against tuition fees at that time. I have voted Lib Dem in the last few years because their policies actually make more sense than most of the other parties. They might not be so eye catching but they are more realistic, straight forward and fair.

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I voted Conservative in the early 2000s because Labour introduced tuition fees and my MP (Mr Bercow) was against tuition fees at that time.


That's a good point, but tuition fees were introduced in 1998 and it seems that such a policy would have taken much more than 12 months to implement considering all the factors that would have been involved.

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I have.


In 97 I voted Labour because it seemed the right thing to do, they swept in on a wave of optimism and swept away a Tory government that was mired in sleaze and corruption and they caught the whole Cool Brittania vibe of the time, since then i've voted Tory because Labour made mistakes and can't be trusted with the economy. There may be a time i'll vote Labour again but not yet.


This time around I was all set to vote Tory but recently i'm not sure, I almost certain theres going to be a coalition again so should I vote for who I want in charge or the kingmaker? In which case i'm very tempted to vote Lib Dem.

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Labour lost my vote some years with the War, tuition fees, and their pushing faith-schools(something I disagree with). Libs had my vote but made a big mistake joining Conservatives - that killed their party, IMO.


I'll probably vote Greens.

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No , not changed my opinion.


Still believe if people are stupid enough to vote Labour in we are up the creek without a paddle.


Anyone thinking of voting for Labour should just do some research on the period between 1997 and 2010 and learn what damage is caused to the country by voting Labour.

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