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Have you changed your opinion?

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No , not changed my opinion.


Still believe if people are stupid enough to vote Labour in we are up the creek without a paddle.


Anyone thinking of voting for Labour should just do some research on the period between 1997 and 2010 and learn what damage is caused to the country by voting Labour.


Exhibit A.

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I was out with my right wing friend tonight, he said that recent job vacancies were filled by mostly UK born people, yet under the last Government, they were mostly filled by foreign immigrants.

I would have thought this to be true, even if these types of details are held, shows my friend is taken in by duff info, when it suits him. Any comments?

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No , not changed my opinion.


Still believe if people are stupid enough to vote Labour in we are up the creek without a paddle.


Anyone thinking of voting for Labour should just do some research on the period between 1997 and 2010 and learn what damage is caused to the country by voting Labour.


Should vote UKIP and split the Conservative vote to let Labour in like in the West Penistone council elections :hihi: (not a million miles away on Penistone East either !)



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Yes. Was a Labour voter for years but never going to vote for them again. The Greens will be getting my vote and I will vote tactically if necessary (LibDem) to keep Labour out of running SCC when possible. I have considered joining the Greens but it's a step too far for me right now because I feel bruised after being let down so badly after 1997 by Labour after a very long association with the party (active since '87 until recently)


In many ways it's liberating. I will defend Labour for the things they got right, and I'm not scared to give credit to the Tories and LibDems when it is due. I have done so on SF but I no longer feel duty bound to defend Labour any more. Like I said it's liberating. Feels good.

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Yes. Was a Labour voter for years but never going to vote for them again. The Greens will be getting my vote and I will vote tactically if necessary (LibDem) to keep Labour out of running SCC when possible. I have considered joining the Greens but it's a step too far for me right now because I feel bruised after being let down so badly after 1997 by Labour after a very long association with the party (active since '87 until recently)


In many ways it's liberating. I will defend Labour for the things they got right, and I'm not scared to give credit to the Tories and LibDems when it is due. I have done so on SF but I no longer feel duty bound to defend Labour any more. Like I said it's liberating. Feels good.


Re the second paragraph. This is the sensible way, IMO. Each party has some good ideas, and some less good ones. When we choose to vote for a party, we are stuck with the bad as well as the good. I choose who to vote for based on the overall balance of policies, with heavier weighting towards the financial state of the country - as unless the country is making money, the government cannot deliver its spending proposals.


I am very suspicious of the competence of anyone who automatically thinks that every policy of their favoured party is automatically the best policy.

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Opinions don't change, people either vote tactically or for their own personally greed but they still have the same opinions


No, thatisn't right, opinions aremore difficult to change, but that doesn't mean they don't.

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I changed, but that was years ago


Labour -----> Conservative


"Out of the frying pan . . . "???




---------- Post added 03-05-2015 at 09:21 ----------


I'll probably vote Greens.


Oh, the party who plans to legalise three way marriages? Amongst other daft things!

The original Green Party was intended to sort out the environment, but in my opinion have completely lost their way!

I also think they are on course to lose their MP for Brighton!

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"Out of the frying pan . . . "???




---------- Post added 03-05-2015 at 09:21 ----------



Oh, the party who plans to legalise three way marriages? Amongst other daft things!

The original Green Party was intended to sort out the environment, but in my opinion have completely lost their way!

I also think they are on course to lose their MP for Brighton!


Not even true.


She was asked a direct question about 'three way marriages' and responded by saying they didn't have a policy on it.

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Opinions don't change, people either vote tactically or for their own personally greed but they still have the same opinions


Of course they do, Mecky.


My parents were life long Labour voters, but have voted alternatively in the last 2 general elections

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