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Catherine Shuttleworth appeared on Question Time as a self proclaimed "undecided voter." After grabbing her chance in the spotlight she proceeded to talk over Ed Miliband in what can only be described as a pro Tory rant! However, Catherine was not quite the undecided voter she claimed to be, as it later emerged that Shuttleworth had backed and signed that infamous Conservative party letter from so called small businesses as number 3882 on the list, and she also started her own firm with personal friend and Tory MP Andrew Jones.


Catherine Shuttleworth was also described by an acquaintance as being a well connected and enthusiastic/fanatic Tory party supporter. She was also witnessed by other audience members giving George Osbourne (who she had met previously) a thumbs up sign after the show had finished.


Shuttleworth also appeared on the BBC breakfast show in 2004 once again being very vocal in her support for the Tories. Is there any kind of dishonesty and deceit that the Tories will not sink to, in their pursuit of power? I don't think so..


You mean just like the deal that Labour have done with Russel Brand? :hihi:

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Just watch a video clip of her saying that she could be either a Tory or a Liberal Democrat voter, she seemed genuine. Many people are anti-Labour/Milliband, but she could still be an undecided voter.

I havnt made my mind up yet, totally, because there a 3 elections, parish and city council, and Westminster.


Well she isn't

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Do we all think that we are unbiased and open-minded, how can open mindedness by tested?
IMHO the test (insofar as we are all anons here, and our written words are the only communication all can go by) is whether you can demonstrably assess and comment (and criticise, where due) about policy issues and, generally, 'politics' across all parties in equal measure, seeing the good, the bad and coming to a balanced view.


Notwithstanding personal views/opinions that are grounded in pragmatism and generally place me right of centre, I'd like to think I am fairly open-minded (many on here think me a 'lefty', to me that is proof enough :hihi:). Though I will readily admitting to a strong bias against UKIP (because they are the political epitomy of gravy train-riding opportunists).

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I am not really into politics, I think once a party gets elected, they are too busy back biting and playing "he did this and he did that" like children in a playground. Nothing ever seems to change for ordinary working class people like us. Doesn't matter which party gets in.

Just a thought if anyone could explain, if its a hung election, why cant the Conservatives and Labour form a government, they are all here to serve the voting public, and could combine their policies, for the good of the public. Just a thought

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I am not really into politics, I think once a party gets elected, they are too busy back biting and playing "he did this and he did that" like children in a playground. Nothing ever seems to change for ordinary working class people like us. Doesn't matter which party gets in.

Just a thought if anyone could explain, if its a hung election, why cant the Conservatives and Labour form a government, they are all here to serve the voting public, and could combine their policies, for the good of the public. Just a thought


They could form a National unity government but are unlikely to.

Edited by loraward
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I like to think that the Liberal Democrats are in the middle, and will adopt whichever policy works best.
LibDem policies appeal to me more frequently than they put me off and -again- I like to think I'm pragmatic enough to recognise and accept the trade offs that necessarily come with being a junior coalition partner: they deserve far more recognition and credit than they've been getting, but that will only come to most people with the benefit of hindsight and the scrutiny of history books.


And all that said, I have been sorely disappointed by Vince Cable, who gave me great hopes in 2010, but who's seemingly been eaten up and neutralised by the establishment.


On-topic: I haven't changed my opinion (Tories-LibDem Coalition v2.0, the best outcome of a really bad bunch). Which doesn't matter at all since I won't vote in the GE. I just wish more people wouldn't fall for the siren calls of UKIP and the SNP.

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Catherine Shuttleworth appeared on Question Time as a self proclaimed "undecided voter." After grabbing her chance in the spotlight she proceeded to talk over Ed Miliband in what can only be described as a pro Tory rant! However, Catherine was not quite the undecided voter she claimed to be, as it later emerged that Shuttleworth had backed and signed that infamous Conservative party letter from so called small businesses as number 3882 on the list, and she also started her own firm with personal friend and Tory MP Andrew Jones.


Catherine Shuttleworth was also described by an acquaintance as being a well connected and enthusiastic/fanatic Tory party supporter. She was also witnessed by other audience members giving George Osbourne (who she had met previously) a thumbs up sign after the show had finished.


Shuttleworth also appeared on the BBC breakfast show in 2004 once again being very vocal in her support for the Tories. Is there any kind of dishonesty and deceit that the Tories will not sink to, in their pursuit of power? I don't think so..


Most of the moaning is coming from Labour HQ because of the grilling Miliband got.


Ever heard of "shooting the messenger"? Seems to be a case here, trying to discredit her any way they can.

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Yes. Was a Labour voter for years but never going to vote for them again. The Greens will be getting my vote and I will vote tactically if necessary (LibDem) to keep Labour out of running SCC when possible. I have considered joining the Greens but it's a step too far for me right now because I feel bruised after being let down so badly after 1997 by Labour after a very long association with the party (active since '87 until recently)


In many ways it's liberating. I will defend Labour for the things they got right, and I'm not scared to give credit to the Tories and LibDems when it is due. I have done so on SF but I no longer feel duty bound to defend Labour any more. Like I said it's liberating. Feels good.


I think we are probably in alignment. I am defo left of centre in my views, but willing to accept that all parties have some good ideas, but I think I most closely align with the Greens. Sadly they aren't standing in my area so back to the drawing board I went. I have tried to simply vote for the party I agree with the most on their policies and try to ignore any good or bad of the past. Thatcher is gone. Blair is gone. Saying I'll never vote Tory because of Thatcher just seems an odd argument to me...


That said, I did the vote for policies quiz and came out 98% Green and 98% Labour with others no more than 45% so Labour for me.



Just to add that I was brought up a Tory through and through and my family still vote that way (I'm close to getting my Dad to switch to the Greens! Yes, really!). My mates used to tease me about being the closet Nazi in the group as I was by far the most right wing of the lot. Having tried to open my mind and listen to their views and go and educate myself I have in turn become just as socialist as the most left of the group!

Edited by sgtkate
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