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Racial Inequality in America

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Yes, I posted it in another thread a couple of days ago; prepare to be swamped by bigots, priveleged white Americans and closet racists claiming that it's all a fairy story and that the blacks are kicking up a fuss over nothing.

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Can someone explain why Chinese, Indians and plenty of other immigrant groups have managed to succeed in the US, in some cases surpassing whites, while Blacks are still struggling. And what is the solution? Is there anything that can be done from outside or is up to the black community to get their own house in order, keep their youth away from crime, to stop fathers abandoning children, and to encourage education and hard-work as things to aspire to, not easy money in rap music, drug dealing and basketball or American football.

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Can someone explain why Chinese, Indians and plenty of other immigrant groups have managed to succeed in the US, in some cases surpassing whites, while Blacks are still struggling. And what is the solution? Is there anything that can be done from outside or is up to the black community to get their own house in order, keep their youth away from crime, to stop fathers abandoning children, and to encourage education and hard-work as things to aspire to, not easy money in rap music, drug dealing and basketball or American football.



Yes. Challenge racism wherever you see it.

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I don't think things will be any different in 20, 50 or 100 years time. Blacks will still be blaming everyone but themselves and opportunistic politicians will be telling them that hope is just around the corner if only they just vote for them.


No more said!

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Can someone explain why Chinese, Indians and plenty of other immigrant groups have managed to succeed in the US, in some cases surpassing whites, while Blacks are still struggling. And what is the solution? Is there anything that can be done from outside or is up to the black community to get their own house in order, keep their youth away from crime, to stop fathers abandoning children, and to encourage education and hard-work as things to aspire to, not easy money in rap music, drug dealing and basketball or American football.


Whoa fella ! Stop this kind of talk. You're fouling up the pitch for those who think that it's all whiteys fault. No fair :hihi:

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Is there any racial inequality in Britain or are all non white just a bunch of happy campers who are completely on par with the doing well middle class?


Doesn't matter what race you are, there will always be someone doing better or someone doing worse, if not for all the same reasons

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