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Securing copyright

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Once again thanks everyone, especially you 1.00b. You must have gone to a lot of trouble to type all that. All I originally asked is how much does protection cost but I can see now how complicated the situation is and therefore, presumably the cost varies according to circumstances. I note that the US version is "not cheap." I followed the IPO thread you gave me, loraward and found it useful. Thank you. It seems I will have to make an application and send a copy of my story to them for price evaluation.

Edited by woolyhead
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Once again thanks everyone, especially you 1.00b. You must have gone to a lot of trouble to type all that.
Never you worry, wooly, that's what well-trained voice-to-text software is for ;)

All I originally asked is how much does protection cost
That's a question I have been asked every day for the last 15+ years, and will continue to get asked every day until (if) I retire ;)


And there is still no other initial answer than 'it depends' (on what the IP actually is, what can be protected, where does it need to be protected, etc.). Without sucking air through my teeth :hihi:


Which is why we always provide our first meeting with a client free of charge: we need to determine the above, at least in broad outlines, and the client's intentions/requirements/expectations, and the client's budgetary constraints, before we can recommend a costed course of action. Frequently as not, where copyright alone is concerned, in practical (objective, impartial) terms there is no need for anything.

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