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Favourite sandwich as a kid..

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It took me years to work out that the HP on the sauce bottle stood for 'Houses of Parliament'...


They thought about calling it HOP, but thought everybody will think it's beer, so they put a picture there instead, and if you believe that, here's another one..........................LOL

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I thought we were poor,but one day a pal of mine made himself a doorstop of bread'n Lard and made one for me.Trust me don't try this at home folks. It stuck to the roof of my mouth like SuperGlue. Good innit he stated, I nodded, couldn't speak.

Ah those were the days

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my favourite and still is dread and dripping I love t, when I first started work as a young apprentice after making a brew. then sweeping the big garage floor. my other job was about 9.30 was to go round and fetch sandwhiches for everyone who wanted one the 3 favourites were sausage a tomato, bacon and tom, and dripping cakes I would fetch around a dozen or more all with a bit of salt on them. I used to buy 3 for myself, bonus was I would get 2 for nowt for buying all the other sandwich's, must say I had never heard of bread and sugar. one of my home made favourites which my wife finds disgusting and that is mashed potato sandwiches, I loved them as a kid. weird of what

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Honestly I am still confused over the bee hive thing but, the the name is so familiar in my memory bank , probably honey...lol. Another brown sauce at that time was " chop".


Mr.T That's it 'Hammond's' !

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