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Tory welfare cuts

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That's sad that you take pleasure out of watching someone get berated and abused by the lefties. :D


---------- Post added 06-05-2015 at 07:05 ----------



More to the point why work for Tesco when you get get £23K for watching morning, afternoon and evening TV.


Why Socialist Scandinavia Has Some Of The Highest Inequality In Europe.


That's according to Credit Suisse's weighty Global Wealth Report 2014. It's a finding that's likely to seriously surprise some people. The top 10% of wealth holders in three Nordic countries (Norway, Sweden and Denmark) hold between 65 and 69 per cent of those nations' wealth.


Read more: http://uk.businessinsider.com/why-socialist-scandinavia-has-some-of-the-highest-inequality-in-europe-2014-10#ixzz3ZKsb89KU


Does it really?

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That's sad that you take pleasure out of watching someone get berated and abused by the lefties. :D


---------- Post added 06-05-2015 at 07:05 ----------



More to the point why work for Tesco when you get get £23K for watching morning, afternoon and evening TV.


Why Socialist Scandinavia Has Some Of The Highest Inequality In Europe.


That's according to Credit Suisse's weighty Global Wealth Report 2014. It's a finding that's likely to seriously surprise some people. The top 10% of wealth holders in three Nordic countries (Norway, Sweden and Denmark) hold between 65 and 69 per cent of those nations' wealth.


Read more: http://uk.businessinsider.com/why-socialist-scandinavia-has-some-of-the-highest-inequality-in-europe-2014-10#ixzz3ZKsb89KU


What about the internet? I'm sure a lot of people spend the morning, afternoon and evening on internet forums.

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No, nothing to do with it.


It's about having 2 classes of pensioner. Those born after 6th April 1953 will get £150 per week pension, those born before 6th April 1953 will get 115 per week.


Cameron says no one will be worse off because the shortfall will be made up with Serps and /or pension credit. But that's a lie. There are many, many, many people who will only get the basic £115 with no additions. Men and women.


The difference in the two amounts, (£35 every week, or £140 every month) adds up to nearly £42,000 over 20 years. Which in my case is a lot of money I won't be getting.


It's not that straightforward. I'm a current pensioner and I dont get anywhere near £115. That's because I didn't make enough of the right kind of contributions. The same will apply to the new pension. The people who are losing out are those like my OH who paid over 40 years contributions for a state pension of around £115. We are fortunate that we made some sacrifices to have small private/occupational pensions. Of course if we hadn't, we'd be getting a lump of pension credit, and we'd also be eligible for other means tested benefits. We wouldn actually be much worse off, so that seems hardly fair, does it?


The new pension rules aren't straightforward either as not everyone will get the full amount. There will be winners and losers just as there are currently.

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But not the muslims and the scroungers who will get the red nutters back in power glad I,m old


---------- Post added 05-05-2015 at 22:51 ----------



What about the worlds scroungers and unmarried mothers with a dozen kids who are sucking us dry


Nope because the vast majority of muslim families everyone works. They arnt workshy like the scroungers you mention.


The good thing about muslim families from experience is they have a strong work ethic, somewhat lacking in other cultures.


As for the scroungers they will get away with it and always find ways to avoid work and play the system. The net result being those who are attacked by the benefit cuts are the most vulnerable.

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So why work in TESCOS for the NMW then when you can pick up litter for £23K? And who are you to say what people should earn anyway? If that's your game maybe we should be like Denmark where a solicitor and other top skilled salaries only earn around £10K pa more than a shop assistant.


Because by taking a low paid job, it's a foot in the door. Getting a start should be looked at as an opportunity. I was redundant at 49, I got a basic clerical job on about half my previous earnings, and worked hard to get to the next level. That's what lots of people do.


I've never been a big earner, but unless I had serious health problems/disabilities I wouldn't have considered not trying to find work. I inherited a strong work ethic, along with the belief that when you have a family you support them.. Thankfully my husband is the same, and so our children hold the same view. Although they now have families and good careers, they took all sorts of low paid jobs when they were young, just to pay their way.

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