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Tory welfare cuts

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It's not that straightforward. I'm a current pensioner and I dont get anywhere near £115. That's because I didn't make enough of the right kind of contributions. The same will apply to the new pension. The people who are losing out are those like my OH who paid over 40 years contributions for a state pension of around £115. We are fortunate that we made some sacrifices to have small private/occupational pensions. Of course if we hadn't, we'd be getting a lump of pension credit, and we'd also be eligible for other means tested benefits. We wouldn actually be much worse off, so that seems hardly fair, does it?


The new pension rules aren't straightforward either as not everyone will get the full amount. There will be winners and losers just as there are currently.


It seems to be that if one has paid into a private pension you will get the lower state pension, so once again the better course of action would have been not to pay into a pension plan and rely on the state to top up your pension with pension credits.

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It's not that straightforward. I'm a current pensioner and I dont get anywhere near £115. That's because I didn't make enough of the right kind of contributions. The same will apply to the new pension. The people who are losing out are those like my OH who paid over 40 years contributions for a state pension of around £115. We are fortunate that we made some sacrifices to have small private/occupational pensions. Of course if we hadn't, we'd be getting a lump of pension credit, and we'd also be eligible for other means tested benefits. We wouldn actually be much worse off, so that seems hardly fair, does it?


The new pension rules aren't straightforward either as not everyone will get the full amount. There will be winners and losers just as there are currently.


I really appreciate that.


I don't think your average younger person has any idea how much and how quickly life has changed for women. There are still a lot of 'housewives' around who never worked outside the home because when they were young, women looked after the home and the husband and the children. That's just what you did. Men were the breadwinners. Some women had to fight the husband to be 'allowed' to work at all. There was still a lower National Insurance (pension) contribution, because it was expected her husband would support her in old age...


When I left school, (not that long ago - I'm not even a fully fledged pensioner yet,) there were still some professions (the police for example) which didn't allow married women in, and you had to leave if you got married.


I was given all my pension contributions back when I had my first baby, (I bought a pram with it!) then spent 10 years at home bringing up 3 children, with no income of my own. This wasn't at all unusual.


So yes, women are still suffering the results of all this, but it seems to have been totally forgotten by our young politicians, with career minded wives.

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Then don't you think you should be doing something about it? Honestly, we are so complacent in this country. We seem to accept anything they care to throw at us without complaint.


All the smaller picture, what can we get now type thinking. It won't and can't last.


The difference here is that you use the word 'they' as meaning the governing power of this country, I don't... I see 'they' as the rest of the world, who live far worse than us, and don't complain.


They can outbid us in practically anything due to their poverty in comparison to ours.


They've taken our manufacturing because we are too expensive, they'll soon have our service industry because we want too much, what will be left Anna? Who is going to pay for all these things?


All your answers are 'more wages', living wage' etc. which will just push us further into mess. These golden years of free money/pensions/free health will constantly get chewed into until they are a thing of the past.


Look at America and I think you'll get an image of what we will be in the coming years, unless some far left get in, then look at France, or other eastern european countries.


Go back to the 1920s and 30s and your average working man was a powder keg of rightious indignation, and was prepared to fight hard to get things changed.


Different times Anna.

Edited by *_ash_*
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There are still a lot of 'housewives' around who never worked outside the home because when they were young, women looked after the home and the husband and the children. That's just what you did. Men were the breadwinners. .


This is the norm today in certain cultures, in this country.

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They might be different times but if you back people into a corner what do you think will happen?


Exactly, that's why you do not silence political opposition. This is why I will always fight for the right of the likes of the BNP and EDL having a voice, as its their right and the only way to counter their argument is to let it be heard and scrutinised.

Edited by Berberis
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My impression of D Cameron,


Of course I help the rich, can't remember when I was friends with a poor person. Of course anyone who doesn't know me is poorer for not knowing me. I once saw some near an aldi, I waved as I went past them in my rolls.

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