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Tory welfare cuts

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so 'the people' want someone who hasn't been to school with fees, someone who doesn't have a posh accent, someone who can do the PM job on a zero-hours contract, someone who is in touch with the people, someone who doesn't have fingers in any pies, someone who doesn't fib, etc.



I'd settle for someone who was vaguely competant...

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so 'the people' want someone who hasn't been to school with fees, someone who doesn't have a posh accent, someone who can do the PM job on a zero-hours contract, someone who is in touch with the people, someone who doesn't have fingers in any pies, someone who doesn't fib, etc.


Have you ever seen computerised filter systems?


Start with 60million, click on these filters, and you will end up with 0




What on earth are you blathering on about. I only said they were slightly better liars.

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any body that elects somebody who hasn't a clue how the ordinary people live deserves all they get.



Splitting the results by party shows that 54% of Conservative MPs attended a fee-paying school, compared with 15% of their Labour colleagues and 40% of Liberal Democrat MPs. Over four-fifths (85%) of Labour MPs went to state schools. Less than three in ten Conservative MPs went to a state comprehensive school which, today, educates just under nine in ten of our schoolchildren.


the bold know how we live, most of the tories havnt a clue.


The schools they went to don't matter that much its more about how many then went on to university and got degrees as that's mainly what counts when getting a job in politics. Miliband has around 20 millionaires helping him in top jobs and the shadow cabinet. The Tory/Lib coalition between them have around 23 millionaires in the cabinet, with Clegg worth around £1.9 million.


So when it comes down to the nitty gritty there is not much between them.

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The schools they went to don't matter that much its more about how many then went on to university and got degrees as that's mainly what counts when getting a job in politics. Miliband has around 20 millionaires helping him in top jobs and the shadow cabinet. The Tory/Lib coalition between them have around 23 millionaires in the cabinet, with Clegg worth around £1.9 million.


So when it comes down to the nitty gritty there is not much between them.


Spot on. Like I said one lot are just slightly more convincing liars.

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Ironic is it not that Cameron was challenged about cuts in Child Benefit (£8 Bn? funny, the same 'additional' money promised for the NHS - its all been covered before, rob Peter to pay Paul - so long as my Parliamentary income is not affected. "What's the price of milk and a loaf of bread again?"

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