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Tory welfare cuts

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I sense another bias here :suspect:








Stop slithering out of it :hihi:


You said 'Yes they fib slightly more convincingly in a posher accent'.


For your 'ergo' to be correct, you would have said something like 'Yes they fib more convincingly in a slightly posher accent.'



Nice dodge though, with this which shows your bias that I said in the first place...




What will you do when a working class, highly intelligent, well meaning, left-wing genius puts him or herself forward to lead the left, but sounds like a chav?


Do you think they'll be popular? Would you vote for them, and would you expect others not to generalise based on how posh they sound?




I'm hoping for a Labour victory. I've said all along that they should clear the mess up. I want to see them try it.


Won't happen though, Tory's will will this one. I think I might put a bet on it. It's a no lose really, win money or see what happens with Ed.


Well, the greatest leader we never had in recent times was John Smith and he hardly spoke with a plum in his mouth. The most competent leader the Tories had in recent times was John Major and he weren't no poshie either.


But here is the thing. You say we want leaders who are posh, that that is what the people vote for. You must have taken your eyes off the polls for the last 5 years because people are starting to vote against that. They've seen through the Tories and they've seen through Labour too. Neither party can get voted in because they are crap imitations of each other, all cut from the same or similar cloth. All Oxbridge educated, none of them living n the real world


That is my view and call it biased if you want but it's really no skin off my nose because I'm voting for none of the main parties.


If I'm honest about tomorrow it's critical that Labour get the same or more seats as the Tories. Cameron can't be given an excuse to sit tight as PM based on his 'legitimate' government ruse. Another election with a more decisive outcome would be there best thing for us all.

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Quick repsonse I1 as I must go to bed! :)


Well, the greatest leader we never had in recent times was John Smith and he hardly spoke with a plum in his mouth. The most competent leader the Tories had in recent times was John Major and he weren't no poshie either.


I agree, Smith was easily a potential PM. I'm not sure about Major, I don't think that people see sense when someone is odd looking or boring. I know that SHOULDN'T be the case, but I think that is reality.


Personally I think Michael Hestletine makes a lot of sense when I see him, but I think he's too old, and has some history. With Brown, I think he often talks sense when I see him, but never demonstrated it.


But here is the thing. You say we want leaders who are posh, that that is what the people vote for. You must have taken your eyes off the polls for the last 5 years because people are starting to vote against that. They've seen through the Tories and they've seen through Labour too. Neither party can get voted in because they are crap imitations of each other, all cut from the same or similar cloth. All Oxbridge educated, none of them living n the real world


Bold, I didn't say that :thumbsup:


The rest... I think that the 'old' 'New Labour' was quite right wing in comparison to what Ed is trying, but it's still swinging towards the right, and the smaller left parties are equally poorly run.


Natalie Bennett is a supreme leftie ideologist and quite frankly, I think she's mad.

Sturgeon is very powerful and had she been the Labour leader rather than a Scottish Nationalist, I would expect her to be the outright winner tomorrow.

Plaid Leanne just reminds me of a neurotic Mum, rather than anyone I would want in power.


That is my view and call it biased if you want but it's really no skin off my nose because I'm voting for none of the main parties.


If I'm honest about tomorrow it's critical that Labour get the same or more seats as the Tories. Cameron can't be given an excuse to sit tight as PM based on his 'legitimate' government ruse. Another election with a more decisive outcome would be there best thing for us all.


As I said before, I reckon Tory win, then next government will be a Labour majority. They won't make the same mistakes as picking Miliband. (though in the current stock, I can't see anyone even half-decent)


---------- Post added 07-05-2015 at 01:05 ----------


over and out for tonight :)


Sleep well, let's see what people vote!


I have since [registering] changed my mind, I looked and there's absolutely no way my vote will make a difference, so I'm not going to vote.

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Everyone will need the welfare state at some point. Who do you feel it is safest with?


The Conservatives because if Labour help the reins of power for long enough the country would become bankrupt and unable to support anyone.


---------- Post added 07-05-2015 at 07:03 ----------


It's got to be Labour, we wouldn't have a welfare state if it wasn't for the Labour Party.


And we wouldn't be able to afford it without the Conservatives and their supporters.


---------- Post added 07-05-2015 at 07:05 ----------


Wow, I'm amazed at the level of debate here. Bit like my kids school yard with everyone calling each other names. Then again, I find that typical amongst Labour voters because thinking about policies is very hard isn't it.


Welcome to the playground. ;)

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And you were slagging people off for not knowing the price of milk. And bread.


I know Govt funded education isn't always great but if you actually bother to go back and read the thread it was swarfendar43 that introduced the issue of bread / milk prices, suggesting they had gone up.

I simply provided a link showing the cost of bread over the past 5 years, which contradicted those comments.

As it didn't suit some peoples ideology comments such as "are you serious" and "Tory scumbag" were used.

None of which alters the fact that bread is now cheaper.

Nor the fact that all I did was provide a fact which resulted in name calling.


So I'll put your above comment down to a genuine mistake on your part rather than ignorance, so don't feel you need to apologise.

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Well now the Conservatives are in, unfettered by those pesky Lib Dems, they have carte blanche to do their worst.


Expect carnage.


Did they actually stop much? Labour would have cut more as well. From that perspective very little will change or would have changed if labour won.

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Well now the Conservatives are in, unfettered by those pesky Lib Dems, they have carte blanche to do their worst.


Expect carnage.


Always look on the bright side of life !

You never know good things may happen for you, it is sometimes perceptions and not facts that influence opinions.

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Always look on the bright side of life !

You never know good things may happen for you, it is sometimes perceptions and not facts that influence opinions.


The facts are the conservative got rid of most of our manufacturing companies and therefore 1,000 of jobs lost, not to mention the coal mining industry. Two million manufacturing jobs were lost during the 1979–1981 recession, thats how the conservatives balance the books.

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The facts are the conservative got rid of most of our manufacturing companies and therefore 1,000 of jobs lost, not to mention the coal mining industry. Two million manufacturing jobs were lost during the 1979–1981 recession, thats how the conservatives balance the books.


We are now in 2015, look to the future with an open mind.

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