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Tory welfare cuts

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When you look at the political map of England other regions take a different view to our region which is shown in the election results and the thing I was hearing from friends down in the south of England was they did not want the SNP dictating things from another country so it only left them with one party to vote for.


Because Cameron told them that Nicola Sturgeon was the bogey woman they had no choice but to vote for destruction of public services, persecution of the vulnerable, dismantling of the NHS and the risk of EU exit.


Yep, that makes sense. :loopy:

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Meanwhile we 'up north' have to put up with things being dictated to us from the south east. an area which is almost like a foreign country, and totally skewed / biased in its thinking.


We need a Northern assembly.


You only have to look at RMBC to understand that that is a really bad idea.

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It was actually caused by unsustainable debt which had been used to stimulate the economies of the world.




That was Labours fault for leaving the country in such a mess, and the electorates fault for constantly complaining about the cuts that would have stopped the debt growing.




We have austerity because the public sector spends far more than is raised in tax's.


Osborne's austerity experiment killed off growth for 3 years after he inherited an economy that was growing strongly out of recession. He's responsible for a lot of additional and unnecessary borrowing. Now we have to borrow more to pay the interest on the extra money he already borrowed.


Have to say he looked a bit uneasy yesterday. He can't blame Labour any more.

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Because Cameron told them that Nicola Sturgeon was the bogey woman they had no choice but to vote for destruction of public services, persecution of the vulnerable, dismantling of the NHS and the risk of EU exit.


Yep, that makes sense. :loopy:


In one post you complain about them borrowing money and in the next you complain about the consequences of not borrowing enough money. Obviously they could borrow more and spend more but we that would be a really bad idea.

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In one post you complain about them borrowing money and in the next you complain about the consequences of not borrowing enough money. Obviously they could borrow more and spend more but we that would be a really bad idea.


If we want money for services we can start by collecting taxes more effectively, about £100bn a year goes AWOL.


And the main point anyway is people can't slag other parties for borrowing when the coalition borrowing record is utterly shameful.

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When you look at the political map of England other regions take a different view to our region which is shown in the election results and the thing I was hearing from friends down in the south of England was they did not want the SNP dictating things from another country so it only left them with one party to vote for.


Theirs a split in opinion for sure. Its the north and particular labour councils that bare the brunt of austerity.

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Osborne's austerity experiment killed off growth for 3 years after he inherited an economy that was growing strongly out of recession. He's responsible for a lot of additional and unnecessary borrowing. Now we have to borrow more to pay the interest on the extra money he already borrowed.


Have to say he looked a bit uneasy yesterday. He can't blame Labour any more.


You mean the growth that was temporary and stimulated by printing money.


Your post is contradictory again, you complain about them not not spending enough, but then complain about the amount they borrowed to keep the public sector going.

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If we want money for services we can start by collecting taxes more effectively, about £100bn a year goes AWOL.


I agree man. We are leaving all this money on the table. If you make profit in the uk, pay taxes in the uk.

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Been saying it for a while. If scotland can get devolution with 9 million people why cant yorkshire?


It would never work.


Sheffield, as the greatest city (indeed, the ONLY city) in Yorkshire, should be the regional capital.


Sadly, L**ds think they should also be the capital, just because they are richer than we are but unfortunately they are a bunch of tory-voting morons.


And Doncaster also think they should be the regional capital because they have an airport, but they have an incompetent labour council.


And Rotherham think they should be capital just because they only have an incompetent labour council.


Now, is there any town or city in Yorkshire that I've missed?

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What a load of rubbish.


We had just gone through a seismic crash of the global banking system, caused largely by banker's greed. We had to bail out the banking system, and we still are.


The National debt has doubled under the Tories. Are you blaming the Tories for that?


We have austerity now, because of the bankers greed, yet not only has any of them been punished, they are now holding the country to ransome, ('or we'll leave') and getting richer than ever.


There is now another bubble forming which will require 'an adjustment' in the near future which means we will all be worse off than ever, (except the bankers of course.)


I'm not surprised many people have fallen for the Tory propoganda that 'Labour spent too much.' It's simplistic but easy to understand and is couched in domestic terms, whereas the reality is highly complex and confusing, and deliberately wrapped up in obfuscation.


Not even people working in the business fully understand it. But the scandals over things like libor are indicative of a business out of control. And the Tories have done little to effectively solve the problem, instead it has been passed down to the 'little people' who are easily duped and won't complain too much.


We are the mushrooms, keep them in the dark and feed them ****.


You are so funny. You will be out there burning Thatchers effigy next. Fortunately for the country there are rather more sensible folk out there which is why 25% more folk voted for Cameron in England and Wales than voted for Miliband. If Milibands successor is as stupid as Miliband the sensible majority will keep Labour in opposition for decades, and the run down area of South Yorkshire will continue to fail to attract investment and become a wasteland. Enjoy the ride.

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