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Tory welfare cuts

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Do you honestly think the job market has changed for the better in the last 5 years?.


Massive public sector job losses, mass discriminatation of the disabled (believe it or not they are not all scrounging on the benefit), huge rise in part time and zero hour contracts.


People are really struggling, and the scapegoat has been welfare, well they have made huge cuts there and do you feel any better off?.


Has it reduced your tax, has it given you a rise in your personal income and take home pay?. Did the bedroom tax result in social mobility, increase in free social housing stock?.


We sneer at those beneath us, who often are the ones that cover the cracks we leave behind with the weight of our bigotry and ignorance.


All the while the original problem remains, and in a few years time we will go on the rollercoaster all over again.....but when the welfare system is no longer to blame.....who next?.


I agree with your points weazel but believe me, there are plenty of family's who have not had a working family member for the past 30 - 40 years and they know all the tricks in the book to get the maximum out of the system and most of them get more out of benefits them alot of people that work for a living, they would say they are not daft they get it for nowt.


---------- Post added 03-05-2015 at 22:09 ----------


At the place where i work, 30/40 agency staff got laid off, ten minutes before their shift ended....things have declined for the working man


that is one of the worst things that has happened in the life time of the past coalition.

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I think his plan is to get more people into employment, as more people start earning money the welfare bill will fall.
you for real? The only jobs going at the moment need a top up from the taxpayer increasing the welfare bill. Mind you them taxpayers are a good bunch ain't they what with bailing out big companies as well
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I agree with what you are saying kidley, there are people that know the system, what sob stories work, what is checked, what isn't and in the past it has been very easy for them to claim pretty much for as long as they want.


Been in there myself in the past, and rarely do the staff do anything to weed them out and push them into some course of action. The problem is that welfare is now being made into a witch hunt and truly innocent people with every right to that benefit (in it's true purpose) are being rounded up and shot.


This could all have been resolved with a tougher stance at the job centers across the country, Periodic reviews for the disabled with home visits if required.


My issue is that looking down the road, this will not have done much at all to aid the country and the next scapegoats are going to be much closer to home.


If the next attack is not on tax evasion etc and again goes directly for the welfare system, that will be a warning sign for tax rises and reductions in tax credits etc as there will be no more welfare to cut, and seriously the grand total of our defecit does not come from the unemployed, nowhere near.


People need to digest the expenditure figues and realise that welfare in some cases brings the defecit down where otherwise it would be higher...there always has to be a losing side to an economy.

Edited by Weazel2006
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you for real? The only jobs going at the moment need a top up from the taxpayer increasing the welfare bill. Mind you them taxpayers are a good bunch ain't they what with bailing out big companies as well


Topping someones wage up doesn't increase welfare spending, it decreases it.

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To reduce the deficit the jobs need to be private sector jobs, not public sector jobs.

---------- Post added 03-05-2015 at 20:52 ----------



Private sector expects a profit. Where is the profit in caring services?


And where do you think the private sector gets its contracts from? They come straight from the government along with the money to pay for them, so nothing is saved. In fact they are often given to 'friends' who skim off the top for the profit. So nobody wins except the fat cat who owns the contract.

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pardon?, run that by us again


Someone with out a job gets a combination of benefits, unemployment, HB ect.

There entire life is funded by the sate.


Get them into work and some of their life is funded by their wage which is topped up by the state. They still get money from the state but not as much money as they got whist unemployed, the state saves money.

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Private sector expects a profit. Where is the profit in caring services?


And where do you think the private sector gets its contracts from? They come straight from the government along with the money to pay for them, so nothing is saved. In fact they are often given to 'friends' who skim off the top for the profit. So nobody wins except the fat cat who owns the contract.


What does this have to do with my post, you wanted the state to create jobs, I pointed out that that won't cut the cost to the state, jobs need creating by the private sector so that the state can cut the deficit.

Edited by loraward
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Someone with out a job gets a combination of benefits, unemployment, HB ect.

There entire life is funded by the sate.



You are thinking like life is easier not working, most people want to work.

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