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Tory welfare cuts

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People often place the blame for HB purely on the backs of those claiming it, without taking into account where that money actually ends up and who benefits from it.


Sure there are people that don't pay the landlord which is pure stupidity, but not everyone is that foolish, those that work as hard as anyone else still require the benefit.


It comes yet again back to housing. The HB bill rose because council housing stock fell, more people had to go with private rented properties and those were more often than not more expensive to rent.


I am not a landlord, and I am sure some just about make ends meet with tennants in their properties, but there will be a fair few out there making their own profit out of the state.

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People often place the blame for HB purely on the backs of those claiming it, without taking into account where that money actually ends up and who benefits from it.


Sure there are people that don't pay the landlord which is pure stupidity, but not everyone is that foolish, those that work as hard as anyone else still require the benefit.


It comes yet again back to housing. The HB bill rose because council housing stock fell, more people had to go with private rented properties and those were more often than not more expensive to rent.


I am not a landlord, and I am sure some just about make ends meet with tennants in their properties, but there will be a fair few out there making their own profit out of the state.


HB rose because house prices rose and rent are linked to the price of houses.

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12 billion of welfare cuts to come under tories. Who will lose out,

1. The disabled.

2. The pensioners

3. Those with children.


Cameron wouldn't deny that disabled people would be affected, so remember this when you vote on Thursday.


Ask yourself, what kind of government takes money off mothers, the old and the sick, but lets the rich dodge taxes?

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A bad one - which party intends to do that?

Please don't lie


As said they all do it one way or the other, the tories are raising the old age pension to £148. so the old age pensioners cannot claim free prescriptions free dentist etc etc

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As said they all do it one way or the other, the tories are raising the old age pension to £148. so the old age pensioners cannot claim free prescriptions free dentist etc etc


The Tories have stopped free prescriptions for pensioners? Or they have put it in their next manifesto? Is that what you're saying?

I'm sorry I must have missed that.

When was that announced?

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As said they all do it one way or the other, the tories are raising the old age pension to £148. so the old age pensioners cannot claim free prescriptions free dentist etc etc


Those of us already getting State Pension won't get the new rate.


Just to clarify the current situation for state pensioners. We don't get free dental treatment unless we're on means tested benefits. Pensioners on full means tested benefits (Pension Credit), currently get £151.20 (single) and £230.85 (couple)plus housing and council tax benefits, and can claim Cold Weather Payments. Its not a fortune, but I know several pensioners who for whatever reason have no other income, and they manage ok. Some who were on work related benefits have seen their incomes almost double when eligible for Pension Credit.


All state pensioners currently have free local travel, free prescriptions, free eye tests and Winter Fuel Allowance of £200 per household (single or couple), or £300 per household for over eighties. There are rumours that those universal benefits may eventually be means tested. Is that worse than taking child benefit away from a family where one member earns above £50k?


Pensioners aren't subject to sanctions, and if they are claiming housing benefits for social housing, they are not penalised for having too many bedrooms. There have been many worse times to be a pensioner!

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