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Tory welfare cuts

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Senisble to take housing out of inflation.The tories robbed my pension even more than Labour did. Houses were unsafe and needed to to be demolished. The tories have increased the population even more.


Why is it sensible?


The house were not unsafe, I could take you to three areas of waste ground that used to be housing estates, the estate my parents lived on was fully occupied, the majority of the houses were council houses and in demand, the remainder were private and bought under right to buy. It all started in 2000, council houses were not re let and left to the vandals. It started slowly but as more house were left empty and vandalised more people wanted to move, eventually the council told everyone that they had to or be evicted, and the private houses would be compulsory purchased. To destroy a community and turn a fully occupied council estate into an empty field cost several million, and five years after the last house was demolished the area is still barren. So the next time you hear Labour complaining about the lack of council houses and other affordable housing member that they demolished thousands of them for no reason other that to stimulate the housing bubble.

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They subconsciously follow orders from aliens, all the super rich, including the Royal Family do, with the aliens being the Elite. I feel sorry for Kate though as unknown to her, she is married to a Decoy.

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Me personally, I would stop rich people claiming dla, yes you david cameron...

Cut top rate of dla by 5 to 10 percent.


It's great that the services were there for the Cameron family. I don't think those services should be means tested at all.

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It's great that the services were there for the Cameron family. I don't think those services should be means tested at all.


I agree, I think David Cameron is just as entitled as the rest of us.


What's ironic is he is (possibly) not going to make that help available for the rest of us, and that's absolutely unforgivable.


---------- Post added 04-05-2015 at 23:07 ----------


If he won't tell us where £12 billion in cuts is coming from, then he knows it will be deeply unpopular. Either it's coming from the poorest in society who can least afford it, and is immoral, or he is going to raise it from taxes.


To be too scared to admit it before the election, keep us in the dark so we don't know what we are voting for, is also deeply immoral.

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I agree, I think David Cameron is just as entitled as the rest of us.


What's ironic is he is (possibly) not going to make that help available for the rest of us, and that's absolutely unforgivable.


---------- Post added 04-05-2015 at 23:07 ----------


If he won't tell us where £12 billion in cuts is coming from, then he knows it will be deeply unpopular. Either it's coming from the poorest in society who can least afford it, and is immoral, or he is going to raise it from taxes.


To be too scared to admit it before the election, keep us in the dark so we don't know what we are voting for, is also deeply immoral.


Vote for a party who are keeping you informed of their intentions then.

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Vote for a party who are keeping you informed of their intentions then.


I believe that the Tories are looking after the rich and businesses, and will do just enough for the poor, but the trouble is they dont have any poor friends, so they dont know what it is like. Every party should look after the rich and business, so that is not a bad thing on its own. Being millionaires themselves they are very bright and well educated, but they need to be in touch with ordinary people too.

So, for me, who is next best, the Liberal Democrats.

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