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Floyd Mayweather beats women.

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But what is your opinion regarding Mayweathers' domestic violence record?


Indeed, good question. Unfortunately your chances of getting a straight answer are several million to one against.

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The key word and troubling aspect of Mayweathers domestic abuse is that he is unrepentant.


That said no one puts him on a pedestal and as he's served time he is entitled to box.


I think in any other profession (even MMA) he'd be blacklisted, but boxing and morals don't know each other.


The trouble is that people are paying to watch him get beat up and that isn't going to happen.

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The key word and troubling aspect of Mayweathers domestic abuse is that he is unrepentant.


That said no one puts him on a pedestal and as he's served time he is entitled to box.


I think in any other profession (even MMA) he'd be blacklisted, but boxing and morals don't know each other.


The trouble is that people are paying to watch him get beat up and that isn't going to happen.


Is that largely on account of large sums of money swilling around the upper reaches of the sport, or is there more to it?

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Isn't it time we stopped putting men who beat women on pedestals?

Mayweather has plenty of form for beating women which you can read about here -




and here - http://www.news.com.au/sport/sports-life/weve-lined-the-pockets-of-a-monster/story-fno61i58-1227334574060


he is defo not a people champ . shame on him and other's that disrespect women . glad i didn't watch it ta jeff

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Is that largely on account of large sums of money swilling around the upper reaches of the sport, or is there more to it?


Money rules.


We only have to look at the winning world cup bid.


---------- Post added 05-05-2015 at 18:53 ----------


To be fair, many turned up to see Mayweather get beaten, hence the boos when he cemented his place in history as one of the all time greats.


---------- Post added 05-05-2015 at 09:48 ----------



I don't think you'll find anyone outside of his family that has a good thing to say about Mayweather as a person. As a boxer, he's peerless.


Yes I would agree with you on that one.

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There is a lot of hypocrasy around. Charlie Webster, a feminist, who was campaigning against Ched Evans to be allowed back at Sheffield United following his stint in prison. Posted this on facebook.




So its wrong to rape a woman but if you bump into a wife beating boxer its ok to ask for his autograph.


Yes you are right. It is wrong to rape a woman and it is ok to ask for an autograph from anyone. I think it is vile that you even compare the two. Making light of rape is disgusting, you should hang your head in shame.

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Yes you are right. It is wrong to rape a woman and it is ok to ask for an autograph from anyone. I think it is vile that you even compare the two. Making light of rape is disgusting, you should hang your head in shame.


I'm not keen on woodmally, but he didn't make light of rape anywhere I can see.

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Is that largely on account of large sums of money swilling around the upper reaches of the sport, or is there more to it?


Boxing is a corrupt sport and designed to favour those with money and power.

You can be a brilliant boxer, but without the big boys you don't have a chance.

Mayweather no-longer needs them he's No 1 and brokers his own pay deals in a way i admire him for that .Perhaps more boxers should follower his lead and cut out the blood suckers that run the sport.

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