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Selective licence in areas in and around surrounding areas

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dont you think after all this time landlords would be a bit more carefully who they rent too ?


Being a landlord I'm sure most landlords would agree even though some1 may be good on paper they don't always turn out to be good so the landlords have a tough job to pick out a good person so mainly like I do I go with my gut feeling and I'd say 95% of the time it's bang on

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The problem is when the landlords in the area tried to do there jobs rite the council would object and advice Tennants the opposite for example when and if the tenants decided to be a anti social etc the landlord would give a section which normally would be ok and you would expect them to go normal I'd say 80% do The council however would advice the tenants to stay put until the landlord gets a court order how is that helping the area it's just putting a big hole in the landlords pockets which in fact deters LL's to take that step hence causes bad ppl in area to continue as they were, And by the way if you look in to the homeless act 1973 I think or 83 ? it's the local authorities job to provide accommodation for people with a section within 2 weeks.

and also if it's the landlords were the problem why not work with them rather than screw them lol and why would boroughs around the UK likes of London giving up to £4k to landlords to give their houses to council tenants the fact is the landlords no matter how decent feel they don't get appreciated for what they do rather get put down for what they should and could do


I happen to know the opposite very firmly the opposite, you may convince some people that your post is correct, but, that is why the Rotherham council and others are kicking landlords butts, [to put it politely]


mafya you have seen mervan6;11003142 post before right.

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if you want to let your house out for rent you have to go into it with your eyes wide open, read up or get a solicitor to be informed of lets say whats what, one thing i would say to the bad £££ in front of there eye's landlords, if you are not prepared to pay to get problem families evicted you should NOT be renting you property out .


footnote SCC gives advice on housing legalities nothing more.

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maybe if they worked together instead of trying to apportion blame summat would get done


I think you have hit the nail on the head there m8


---------- Post added 07-05-2015 at 21:54 ----------


if you want to let your house out for rent you have to go into it with your eyes wide open, read up or get a solicitor to be informed of lets say whats what, one thing i would say to the bad £££ in front of there eye's landlords, if you are not prepared to pay to get problem families evicted you should NOT be renting you property out .


footnote SCC gives advice on housing legalities nothing more.


I agree with what you say but at the same time I don't because majority of landlords who are landlords are accidental landlords and thats down to again the goverment, the council's are smaller organisations part of the goverment instead of rectifying the messups the goverment has made they just use that to put the landlord down and there is a saying kick them whilst they are down that's exactly what the council's are doing

legislations are for every 1 including the council's and the landlords dont need to spend ££ on evictions if the council does its job rite in the first place like I said in pervious post homeless act should cure most of the problems as the money saved via landlords in evictions would be put towards the property etc

and saying if you can't spend money on evictions etc you shouldn't be a landlord that's not fare to say as people's circumstances change may be they were or are good landlords before but there circumstances now have changed and instead of councils helping landlords like this they come along and tell you about legislation etc

every thing can be sorted via communication and being appreciative of oneanother rather than implanting so and so licensing pure example please search it on Google Enfield selective licensing

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I think you have hit the nail on the head there m8


---------- Post added 07-05-2015 at 21:54 ----------



I agree with what you say but at the same time I don't because majority of landlords who are landlords are accidental landlords and thats down to again the goverment, the council's are smaller organisations part of the goverment instead of rectifying the messups the goverment has made they just use that to put the landlord down and there is a saying kick them whilst they are down that's exactly what the council's are doing

legislations are for every 1 including the council's and the landlords dont need to spend ££ on evictions if the council does its job rite in the first place like I said in pervious post homeless act should cure most of the problems as the money saved via landlords in evictions would be put towards the property etc

and saying if you can't spend money on evictions etc you shouldn't be a landlord that's not fare to say as people's circumstances change may be they were or are good landlords before but there circumstances now have changed and instead of councils helping landlords like this they come along and tell you about legislation etc

every thing can be sorted via communication and being appreciative of oneanother rather than implanting so and so licensing pure example please search it on Google Enfield selective licensing


I agree mostly with what you say, but can i ask you this what does a landlord do if he/she cannot afford an eviction, if his/her tenants are causing anti social behaviour on the street and district where they live?

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I agree mostly with what you say, but can i ask you this what does a landlord do if he/she cannot afford an eviction, if his/her tenants are causing anti social behaviour on the street and district where they live?


Hi thanx

they would not need to do anything if the councils helped, anyway you mean what they can do the best way to deal with a situation is to communicate with the tenant/s

if that fails horribly if it's anti social then get the police to get involved if it's the noise get the local authority to do sound tests if the results are good then they can impose a notice on them and if it continues the council can get the tenants evicted the same way they kick people out when there is a drug den in the premises. There are a lot of things landlords can do with help from the local authority but if they listen but all they seem to do is impose things to landlords wich assists the tenants rather than LL if there are on benefits that could go directly to LL any costs which the LL has to incur to evict due to anti social behaviour should come out of the tenants benefits as you need to hit them where it hurts the most and from experience money hurts a lot of ppl lol

its the benefits that support the tenants as they know if they leave the house after court notice or stretch it out prior the notices they can get there benefits transfer to another property again it doesn't effect the tenant but the way local authorities take council tax bills out of people y can't they do something similar to that


---------- Post added 07-05-2015 at 22:29 ----------


Also collect plenty of evidence to submit to the council I'm sure they have regs regarding all these in place I could look in to it if you'd like but then I'm doing the council no favors lol


---------- Post added 07-05-2015 at 22:38 ----------


People got to understand that the system is no brilliant when it come to evicting first of all the fees for the courts have gone up £300+ then the solicitors costs around £600 to £800 then there is the fact the tenant or the local authority not giving the rent to LL for a possible 2 to 3 months let's assume it's £500 per month so u see its a lot of money which could be easily used on properties if we as LL's got the rite support by SCC etc

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Are tenants issued with a copy of the Landlords license ??


---------- Post added 08-05-2015 at 17:32 ----------


dont you think after all this time landlords would be a bit more carefully who they rent too ?


Not always landlord ,some are let through agents doubt they check properties very often, just hand keys out.

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I wonder do the new tenants in the likes of P H get a written tenancy agreement of whats allowed and what isn't,, if not why not


Of course they do well I should hope so lol otherwise there is no tenant it's called squatting and now that is against the law saying that that would make evicting a lot easier as u don't need court etc just call the cops lol

but it against the law (damn) ?


---------- Post added 08-05-2015 at 21:09 ----------


Are tenants issued with a copy of the Landlords license ??


---------- Post added 08-05-2015 at 17:32 ----------



Not always landlord ,some are let through agents doubt they check properties very often, just hand keys out.


Not all agents are like that either I'm an agent and we try our upmost best to keep on top of properties but some landlords dont like spending money that's where we ask for help from SCC PHS as they check up on houses more often as that's all they do well the team on the ground does anyway.

We check properties every 2 to 3 months or 6 to 8 weeks sometimes when we are not that busy it's more often the problem is the SCC again who assume agents not checking up on properties and when we ask for assistance they refuse or use that against us by saying you don't no what you are doing that's y u ask for help and rely on us but matter of fact it they who rely upon good agents to report bad landlords or bad tenants but the funny thing is they would not act upon bad tenants but rather pick up the bad landlord if there are any

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