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Russel Brand as Prime Minister

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Looking at the current lot I think Mr Brand would do a much better job....He gets my vote :hihi:


He's just a left wing version of Clarkson. Rent-a-mouth "celebrity" with too much time on his hands.


Remember the boos and heckles Brand got when Farage challenged him on Question Time to stand as an MP?


"I’m scared I’d become one of them" was his pathetic whiny reply.



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Multi-millionaire capitalist Russel Brand has advocated that the electorate support the Iraq child-murderers of the Labour party.


In a sane society, Brand - and all other mega rich capitalists - would have their wealth confiscated by a Socialist state and be forced to work in a labour camp for the benefit of the masses.

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He's just a left wing version of Clarkson. Rent-a-mouth "celebrity" with too much time on his hands.


Remember the boos and heckles Brand got when Farage challenged him on Question Time to stand as an MP?


"I’m scared I’d become one of them" was his pathetic whiny reply.




Lets not forget this despicable excuse for a human being rang up the granddad to say what he would do to his granddaughter with Jonathan Ross.

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Good god we still trotting out that one?


Everyones moved on from that apart from Andrew Sachs and you it seems - if you are going to castigate him pick something relevant... there is after all so much to choose from.

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