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Russel Brand as Prime Minister

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Everyones moved on from that apart from Andrew Sachs and you it seems


Ohh. You can add me to that list too. I thought it was pretty disgusting what he did; all in the name of having fun and increasing his own popularity. It is only one incident of course; but, I think it speaks volumes about his character, and I haven't seen him do anything since that's made me think better about him.

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Ohh. You can add me to that list too. I thought it was pretty disgusting what he did; all in the name of having fun and increasing his own popularity. It is only one incident of course; but, I think it speaks volumes about his character, and I haven't seen him do anything since that's made me think better about him.


Or before to be honest. He did this Big Brother bit on the side show where he made a once funny reference to his genetals every single episode.


He is unfunny and annoying. How he managed to marry Katy Perry is beyond me. Luckily for her shes got rid.

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I don't particularly like him, but I do think a lot of the stick he gets is unfair and unjustified. The media have been vile to him.


He is as entitled to his opinions as anyone else, and allowed to voice them if he wants to, as could I. He has 10 million followers, but the good thing is, people don't have to listen if they don't want to.


He's put his money where his mouth is with regards to helping drug users. He's mentors addicts and works in drug rehabilitation centres. So he at least has to be given credit for that.

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Yup, thousands!


Well that's just civilian deaths, total deaths is over 211,000 and still increasing daily with the likes of ISIS now committing atrocities across the region.


So, the wider number, taking into account all of the problems the middle east is now experiencing, could well be up to a million.


As there are no official figures, and if you are talking about Iraq only, the correct vernacular would be "hundreds of thousands".


Now considering the number of people who continue to judge the Tory party by the policies of the Thatcher government, looking back no less than 12 years is perfectly acceptable when judging the Labour party, especially considering a number of MP's directly involved who are still in their seats and influencing the party.


Now if you consider the deaths of over 200,000 people, brought about by PM and his cabinet that lied to the House of Commons, then you are seemingly not a very nice person.

Edited by Berberis
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Well that's just civilian deaths, total deaths is over 211,000 and still increasing daily with the likes of ISIS now committing atrocities across the region.


So, the wider number, taking into account all of the problems the middle east is now experiencing, could well be up to a million.


As there are no official figures, and if you are talking about Iraq only, the correct vernacular would be "hundreds of thousands".


Now considering the number of people who continue to judge the Tory party by the policies of the Thatcher government, looking back no less than 12 years is perfectly acceptable when judging the Labour party, especially considering a number of MP's directly involved who are still in their seats and influencing the party.


Now if you consider the deaths of over 200,000 people, brought about by PM and his cabinet that lied to the House of Commons, then you are seemingly not a very nice person.

Ok, what's your point?

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Russell Brand for prime minister and the government made up of Occupy members.

Instead of the Houses of Parliament the government could meet in tents and tell everyone how wrong they are except for them of course and when it came to making decisions or taking responsibility for something they could say that wasn't their way of doing things and they hated anyone who did so.

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