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Pulling Powers!

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Ive been in a relationship for the past few years so am totally out of practice, but I had the wierdest experience on Thursday night of someone trying to get my number.


This random guy walked over whilst I was minding my business dancing and proceeded to wipe his drenched wet hands all the way down my face, he then winked and asked for my number!!!! :confused: :confused:


Is this normal as he could not understand why I was so upset that I was covered in drink/sweat/maybe even urine from this guys hands, called me stuck up and sauntered off!!!

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I think he was out of order to wipe his sweaty hand over your face - what gives him the right anyway whether u are with someone or not!! He sounds like a complete idiot - he probably called u stuck up to hide his embarrasment of been rejected - what a fool!! Why do blokes call u stuck up just cos u r not interested it's annoying xx

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NO NO NO NO NO I didn't give him my number, he did get 2 digits tho :thumbsup: I was tempted to punch him but to be honest I was sooooo gobsmacked that I just stood there with my mouth hung open wondering if that did actually just happen or whether Id had one vodka too many!

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