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Hackenthorpe woman sleeping rough

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Where abouts on Birley Spa was this ? I live close by and was out late ish last night.


It wasn't late it was about 7.00pm she was at the bus stop just below the shops and not waiting for a bus,just having a rest as she was having trouble walking,didn't seem to be under the influence of anything just looked as though she had walked a marathon and as for how do I know she was living rough you would just have to see her yourself.

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What a wonderful thread this is. People showing concern for others on a day when the party who don't give a **** about anybody but themselves got into power.


inappropriate comment in my opinion. There are plenty of political threads if you wish to voice your opinion - this isn't one of them!!

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Unfortunately the police are not a branch of social services. All they'll probably do is move her on and harrass her. The best outcome from that is that she swears or clouts one of them and gets arrested. At least then she'll have a bed for the night.


Better to phone the salvation army or social services, though it's not a given that they will be able to help her as they are overwhelmed with social problems at the moment, and are not always able to cope with the demand. (They need all the volunteers they can get.)


Better still would be to ask her yourself if she needs help, and do your best to give it. But be aware that she may have mental health problems so it can be a risky strategy, but we are getting to the point where there is no other help than us.


The police have numbers for local hostels and crash pads. The op did the right thing by contacting them in my opinion.

They have nothing to gain by 'harassing her'?

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The police have numbers for local hostels and crash pads. The op did the right thing by contacting them in my opinion.

They have nothing to gain by 'harassing her'?


my bold


any idea why they do it then?

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Better still would be to ask her yourself if she needs help, and do your best to give it. But be aware that she may have mental health problems so it can be a risky strategy, but we are getting to the point where there is no other help than us.


Once there were places of refuge, or, to translate into Latin, asylums.

We now believe it was right to close these down, make a fat profit on their real estate, and relay on "Community Mental Health [Lack of ] Care"


Do many homeless have "mental health problems", or is it that many with MHPs become homeless?

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