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Hackenthorpe woman sleeping rough

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I think that you lot piggybacking one persons personal problems with out knowing anything about that person to have a rant at the tories should be utterly ashamed of yourselves.


As for homeless folks having a dog, it costs a couple of pounds a day to feed a dog. That's not the sort of money that's going to make a bit of difference in putting a roof over their head, but it will give them (as others have said) a trustworthy loyal companion and some protection.

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The police have numbers for local hostels and crash pads. The op did the right thing by contacting them in my opinion.

They have nothing to gain by 'harassing her'?


thanks for that like I said earlier I was concerned for her I am not a softy I see people like this every day but usually in town centres and they are begging,she was in a village and asking for nothing,what I didn't say earlier is we went home and put some food and bottled water in a bag also some food for the dog and drove back to her,my wife gave her the bag and she thanked my wife,at that time she didn't even know what was in the bag but she was so greatfull,she was not drunk and was quite well spoken,not many people tug at my heart strings infact this is a fist for me I usually just think sort yourself out and get on with it.Ive never given to a begger ,she was not begging but looked as though life had delt her a bad hand,dont regret for one minuite what we did I would rather help someone in my own village than send money over sea


---------- Post added 09-05-2015 at 20:24 ----------


The police have numbers for local hostels and crash pads. The op did the right thing by contacting them in my opinion.

They have nothing to gain by 'harassing her'?


thanks for that like I said earlier I was concerned for her I am not a softy I see people like this every day but usually in town centres and they are begging,she was in a village and asking for nothing,what I didn't say earlier is we went home and put some food and bottled water in a bag also some food for the dog and drove back to her,my wife gave her the bag and she thanked my wife,at that time she didn't even know what was in the bag but she was so greatfull,she was not drunk and was quite well spoken,not many people tug at my heart strings infact this is a fist for me I usually just think sort yourself out and get on with it.Ive never given to a begger ,she was not begging but looked as though life had delt her a bad hand,dont regret for one minuite what we did I would rather help someone in my own village than send money over sea

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Because none of that will help. Its the sad truth that even with lots of positive support and intervention a small number of people do not manage to settle in any sort of 'normal' environment, and end up on the streets.


Ben's centre supports street drinkers: https://benscentre.wordpress.com/

Archer project supports anyone who is homeless: http://www.archerproject.org.uk/

Phoenix Futures: http://www.phoenix-futures.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Sheffield-Supported-Housing-Leaflet-FINAL-Read-Only.pdf


Just three of the organisations in Sheffield. There are others, like Roundabout which helps young homeless people. However, its likely that the lady in question knows about at least some of the organisations, and is possibly known to them. Unless she really wants help, and can be persuaded to accept it, then sadly its unlikely her life will change.


Owethemnowt, I worked with homeless people when we had a Labour government (I retired before the Coalition were in government) and there were similar problems then . At the time there were some who benefited from help, and others who would get on track for a while, then end up back on the street. There isn't a straightforward 'one cure fits all' I'm afraid.


The council, in fact all of South Yorkshire councils have implemented a 'No Second Night Out' strategy which aims to help rough sleepers off the streets quickly. If you know of someone who could benefit, perhaps getting in touch on their behalf would be a good thing.




I know all that.I fear that you have missed the point of my reply to the post I quoted. I didn't think that I was being that subtle.

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I understood your post, but some people would react just like that. I also thought posting actual information and links might be useful for anyone who genuinely wants to help someone who might be struggling.

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thanks for that like I said earlier I was concerned for her I am not a softy I see people like this every day but usually in town centres and they are begging,she was in a village and asking for nothing,what I didn't say earlier is we went home and put some food and bottled water in a bag also some food for the dog and drove back to her,my wife gave her the bag and she thanked my wife,at that time she didn't even know what was in the bag but she was so greatfull,she was not drunk and was quite well spoken,not many people tug at my heart strings infact this is a fist for me I usually just think sort yourself out and get on with it.Ive never given to a begger ,she was not begging but looked as though life had delt her a bad hand,dont regret for one minuite what we did I would rather help someone in my own village than send money over sea


---------- Post added 09-05-2015 at 20:24 ----------



thanks for that like I said earlier I was concerned for her I am not a softy I see people like this every day but usually in town centres and they are begging,she was in a village and asking for nothing,what I didn't say earlier is we went home and put some food and bottled water in a bag also some food for the dog and drove back to her,my wife gave her the bag and she thanked my wife,at that time she didn't even know what was in the bag but she was so greatfull,she was not drunk and was quite well spoken,not many people tug at my heart strings infact this is a fist for me I usually just think sort yourself out and get on with it.Ive never given to a begger ,she was not begging but looked as though life had delt her a bad hand,dont regret for one minuite what we did I would rather help someone in my own village than send money over sea


That was a kind thing to do. Good for you. I think we all should try and help people directly when we can. It's no use waiting for someone else to do it. Hopefully we can all make a difference by helping each other and pulling together.

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When you read a thread such as this, you have to wonder where society is going !! Amongst you folks posting we have a mix of compassionate people and a mix of folks who I can't really describe, but amaze me with their attitude. A divided society, we will never change it even trying as hard as we can. Those with no worries and enough cash, good families and respect for the world will survive at the expense of the less fortunate.


Do you help others, are you aware of the state of the homeless, do you give to charity on a regular basis, are you so short sighted that you don't give a damn for anything or anybody other than yourself.

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Those with no worries and enough cash, good families and respect for the world will survive at the expense of the les

Do you help others, are you aware of the state of the homeless, do you give to charity on a regular basis, are you so short sighted that you don't give a damn for anything or anybody other than yourself.


Are you aware from the stare of the homeless? Yes I am thank you. I lost my mum when I was 17 and I had to sleep in a tent for two days before the social services helped me, when I did get my own flat at 18 I was on an apprenticeship which I had more money going out than coming in which caused arears and it didn't help when I had to choose bus fare for work or food to eat because I simply could not afford anything with the council tax and rent been so high.


The flat then had severe leaking in the bedroom which caused mushrooms growing in the carpet and mould and a really horrid smell but to the council it was just "condensation" and then depression hit. I ended up passing the keys because it was too much for me and ended up sofa surfing. I have now just got back on track.


I am extremely helpful to those who need help and I have took a drink and food to those that I see need help. I give to charity change in the shop everyday but for me to put a big sum in I would have to see that the big CEO are not taking half of it for their bonus.

Edited by seanovshef12
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