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2015 Sheffield Election Results

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(Greens have gained a seat in Broomhill.)

Oh good I'll go and hug a tree to celebrate.


Among those who have defected from the Labour Party I see some SF members who were former Labour supporters voted for the Green party, so they will be happy.

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Because the car crash never happened


We're still driving full speed toward a wall


and we have seen the end of Milliband and Balls.


I liked Milliband.


What a shame this country has become so celebrity obsessed - that a man's looks are more important than his intellect :shakes:

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We're still driving full speed toward a wall




I liked Milliband.


What a shame this country has become so celebrity obsessed - that a man's looks are more important than his intellect :shakes:


Are you seriously suggesting Milliband failed because of his looks :huh:

Maybe that ladies man with the horse teeth is the answer :hihi:

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Yes and also the way he spoke


Sorry to have to wake you up to the fact that British politics is a beauty pageant


What do you reckon to Nicola Sturgeon or our Nigel :suspect:


You should suggest that candidates put their mugshots on future ballot forms, you might have a point, then just give the vote to young teenagers ...... maybe an x factor or I'm a celebrity style voting system !

Edited by Michael_W
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