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Right To Buy HA legal challenge

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That's your only answer to the problem that Germany and Japan face and which you think we should deliberately foster? That pensioners still pay tax?


Or perhaps the 2nd part of your sentence means that people shouldn't be allowed to retire if they can still work?

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That's your only answer to the problem that Germany and Japan face and which you think we should deliberately foster? That pensioners still pay tax?


Or perhaps the 2nd part of your sentence means that people shouldn't be allowed to retire if they can still work?


Increasing the population isn't the answer, it just causes a much larger problem for the future, but I guess that isn't a problem if you are selfish.


Getting more of the population working is a much better solution.

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But the houses are still there right? Providing accommodation to a family still right? So where is the problem?


The problem is that many (36% in London) are now private rents and the rents are higher. This is problematic for a) the tenants who have to pay a higher rent than they would have done were they renting from their local authority, b) all of us, as it inflates the housing benefit bill. And remember that around half of all HB claimants are in work, so the 'workshy' argument doesn't stand up.


The only winner is the landlord and I'm not sure what privilege it is they have that requires them to be treated so much better than everyone else. I'm sure lots of business and individuals would like to be handed a £20k+ start-up grant by HM government, but most wouldn't get it. And it's not like the landlords create anything or add to the nation's output, it's just summat for nowt.

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The only winner is the landlord and I'm not sure what privilege it is they have that requires them to be treated so much better than everyone else.


That could possibly be one of the reasons why 38% of properties were sold to cash buyers and not done on a mortgage.

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Here's a thought. The increased availability of private rentals supports increases in immigration. Most immigrants come here to work and they are in a position to pay private rents. The more private rented property the more immigrants can be supported.


1. If the HA houses are destined to fall into private landlords' hands then what is really happening ius the government keeping the supply tap open to provide homes for immigrants 5-10 years down the line


2. Its dawned on me that the importance of the private landlord is what I just described. They are critical for housing immigrants and reshaping the profile of the housing supply to do so. Its one of the reasons they will be supported.


Maybe its all starting to make sense.......

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That could possibly be one of the reasons why 38% of properties were sold to cash buyers and not done on a mortgage.


Although the analysis of that figure by the group that collected it was that it was a lot of older people downsizing...

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