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Right To Buy HA legal challenge

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The problem is that most of the suitable places to build houses are also the most suitable place to produce food.


Does that mean that most of the suitable places to produce food are also the most suitable places to build houses?

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The problem is that most of the suitable places to build houses are also the most suitable place to produce food.


What?? Brownfield sites?? How much food is grown on places like the old steel works site out by Wincobank??

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Really?? There are NO new people wanting rented housing? No children wanting to leave home? no divorces creating double families?? no immigrants, legal or otherwise??? How has that happened? Population growth has ended? Excellent news. Oh, hang on.....


In which post did I say anything that would suggest that, I simply said that selling one house to the tenant that lives in it, removes one house that is available for rent and one family in need of an house to rent.


If the Tories do as they say a new house will be built in place of the one that is sold, if this happens then the plan reduces the number of people wanting to rent without decreasing the number of properties to rent.

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No, but eventually that tenant will move on somewhere and release the RENTED house back into the pool, but if its been sold then it vanishes forever for those who need social housing and cant afford to be tories


It will increase the number of affordable houses for sale so more people will be able to buy instead of renting which will again reduce the number wanting to rent. The house still exists and will still be occupied by some one that needs an house.

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Most? Not really. We have loads of agricultural land sat idle while farmers cream off EU subsidies for leaving it idle.


It's about getting a balance. Use some of it. Leave most of it alone.


Why does all new housing have to be on greenbelt land whats wrong with brownfield sites?

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Seems to be the general tory policy and they are in charge so thats life


I agree with much of what the tories do and say. Most of it probably, but this seems wrong. Morally, taking property away from people who own it, is not a Tory thing to do.

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If the Tories do as they say a new house will be built in place of the one that is sold, if this happens then the plan reduces the number of people wanting to rent without decreasing the number of properties to rent.


And you honestly think that the tories will do that???? No way, they will just take the money, hand it to the rich and run to a tax haven

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