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Trident Scotland dun't want it.

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Scotland does not want Trident as they have voted overwhelmingly for the S.N.P.


They also do not want to be part of the U.K.

So lets bring Trident to the Humber and Ouse let us create the jobs involved in our area.


Trident is with us wether we like it or not so bugger the Scotts who do not want to be associated with us , bring the jobs to Yorkshire and Humberside.

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Scotland does not want Trident as they have voted overwhelmingly for the S.N.P.


They also do not want to be part of the U.K.

So lets bring Trident to the Humber and Ouse let us create the jobs involved in our area.


Trident is with us wether we like it or not so bugger the Scotts who do not want to be associated with us , bring the jobs to Yorkshire and Humberside.


Its in Faslane because it isn't densely populated, moving them would put significantly more people at risk if there is an accident. Gibraltar was the preferred option if Scotland had gained independence.

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Its in Faslane because it isn't densely populated, moving them would put significantly more people at risk if there is an accident. Gibraltar was the preferred option if Scotland had gained independence.

It does not matter where it docks .


if the balloon goes up be it in Faslane, Gibralter or Grimsby makes no difference we are knackered and dead.

So bring the jobs involved to England as Scotland no longer consider themselves to be an active part of the U.K.

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They also do not want to be part of the U.K.


So that little referendum thingy they had recently was a load of nonsense?



Yesterdays vote had nothing to do with nationalism or Independence but had a lot to do with giving Labour a damn good hiding..which it did, surgically.

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So that little referendum thingy they had recently was a load of nonsense?



Yesterdays vote had nothing to do with nationalism or Independence but had a lot to do with giving Labour a damn good hiding..which it did, surgically.

It had every thing to do with nationalism.

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Just heard on the news that N. Korea has test-launched a submarine based missile.


Maybe they should base it in Hull.



FWIW, I think we should give Scotland what they want. I don't think that's independence, as per the referendum, but they do want to be in self control.

When people are in control, they tend to behave more responsibly. Give them full economic autonomy, raise what they want through taxes, and spend it how they like. I'm pretty sure the SNP wouldn't be in power very long.

In doing so, this would bring an end to the grant, and the Barnet formula which I heard on TV yesterday, would save the UK about £8 billion

Bring the subs down south, probably to Portsmouth.


But fairness works both ways. We have to change the boundaries. SNP got roughly the same number of votes as LidDems, but ended up 50 odd seats compared to 8, UKIP got only 1 MP for 4 x the number of votes. So change the boundaries to address that, and also restrict what the Scots can do in Westminster, English votes...


I suspect in 5 years time, Scotland would go back to being Labour, but should be in total, no more than about 20 MPs.

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