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Trident Scotland dun't want it.

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An interesting point.

If people thought of the implications of their desires maybe they would think again.

It is like when people want to end the monarchy, do they realise how many people depend on it for their employment.

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I just don't understand the argument for not having Trident, it's usually like "HURRRRRR DURRRR YE BUT WER NUT GON GET ATTAKED ANYWAYZ" Well yeah, it's a deterrent, so people don't attack us.


Ridiculous, these hippies are starting to do my head in thinking the world is made of rainbows and roses. No, it isn't. It's made of threats and wars and death and fighting and we need a force to deter that.

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I just don't understand the argument for not having Trident, it's usually like "HURRRRRR DURRRR YE BUT WER NUT GON GET ATTAKED ANYWAYZ" Well yeah, it's a deterrent, so people don't attack us.


yeah, let's nuke al qaeda and turn Afghanistan into er, rubble!

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I just don't understand the argument for not having Trident, it's usually like "HURRRRRR DURRRR YE BUT WER NUT GON GET ATTAKED ANYWAYZ" Well yeah, it's a deterrent, so people don't attack us.


Ridiculous, these hippies are starting to do my head in thinking the world is made of rainbows and roses. No, it isn't. It's made of threats and wars and death and fighting and we need a force to deter that.


So... seeing as you're so sure of its value as a deterrent you should have no problem telling us who exactly is it currently deterring from doing what?

Edited by flamingjimmy
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