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Will you leave UK when NHS is privatised?

Will you leave UK when NHS is privatised?  

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  1. 1. Will you leave UK when NHS is privatised?

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I agree here, insurance isn't the answer. The Nhs is the answer - and we've got that already - free at point of delivery. However there's no reason we can't get better value for money for it. The private sector can and does do things better - logistics for example. But for the rest of it, it's more of the same really. I genuinly don't think the Tories will take it apart to the point we all have to get private medical insurance.


Totally agree.

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Don't forget GP's. They have ALWAYS been private businesses paid by the NHS.


The reason that you can't get to see your GP is because of the 2004 GP contract settlement which increased GP's income while reducing their regular and out of hours comittments.


2004, that would have been a Labour NHS **** up.


The Labour government has a lot to answer for, here. Now that GPs can have a nice life while working part time, and so do just that, we have a shortage of GPs.


---------- Post added 10-05-2015 at 17:48 ----------


I agree here, insurance isn't the answer. The Nhs is the answer - and we've got that already - free at point of delivery. However there's no reason we can't get better value for money for it. The private sector can and does do things better - logistics for example. But for the rest of it, it's more of the same really. I genuinly don't think the Tories will take it apart to the point we all have to get private medical insurance.


This. .


---------- Post added 10-05-2015 at 17:52 ----------


Let me state this up front: In my opinion the NHS does need to be changed, and people should pay for it, through a direct tax that is effectively uncoupled from other taxes (think license fee). However - the Dutch system went full insurance based some ten years ago. At first it looked like things had improved from the previous situation where a different sort of insurance/public health hybrid was replaced.


In the past years, due in no small part to the crisis and huge unemployment, the insurance base-rate is going up year on year, certain services have been taken out of the basic package that used to be standard and the whole thing has eroded to a travesty. To make matters worse, in the new system the insurers gained control of healthcare facilities throughout the country, previously publicly run, now we see hospitals, care-homes, elderly homes, facilities for the disabled and so on go bankrupt all over the place, leaving huge parts of the country without cover at all. My terminal grandmother was told a week before her treatment was supposed to start that they couldn't treat her because the hospital closed. My autistic cousin is on his fifth placement in two years, all four other offerings were declared bankrupt.


Things are terrible there now, it is a mix of two approaches that simply does not work, some things have to be left public and risk-free for the end-users and I hope the Tories know that, but I have a feeling they don't.


I don't see any sign that the Conservative government are planning anything other than "risk-free for the end-users"

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Labour privitised more of the NHS than Conservatives. As Labour failed spectacularly in this election there is no chance that the NHS will be privitised in its entirety (as that is what this thread is about ) this term.


If you are against the privitisation of the NHS please remember this next election and vote anything but Labour.

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When my daughters older and independent I'll be emigrating to Copenhagen. I suspect plenty more people will leave UK when NHS is privatised. So will you be leaving UK when NHS is fully privatised?


NO: If i have to pay for medical care so be it .But it will never happen .

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Privatisation doesn't mean turning up to see your GP with a £20.00 note.
There doesn't need to be a privatisation for this to be the case, e.g. it's the standard system (pay for consult, get refunded pro-rata your financial situation, i.e. on benefits = full refund, on working tax credits = partial refund, taxed at top rate = no refund <etc.>) in France and Ireland, for starters.


And it should be adopted (albeit £10 should do it), both to clear up GP's schedules from serial hypochondriacs (yes, they do exist - and I'd wager secretaries of every GP surgery in the country can tell you exactly who they are in their catchment area) and help the NHS' cashflow a tad.


But that's a drop(let) in the ocean of reforms needed to get the NHS back on its financial feet at least extra cost to the taxpayer. Someone needs to take an aircraft carrier-sized axe to the layers of junior, middle and senior management and the non-core, job-related perks. In the same time, that someone needs to step into the healthcare-related private services and markets with both feet and fists in regulatory terms, and ring-fence the NHS from the ever-more numerous and creeping leeches (e.g. regulate and 'shackle' medical malpractice ambulance-chasers). So much needs to be done to stem the budgetary haemorrhage it's scary.


I've lived in a few EU countries so far, a privatised healthcare system is the least of the reasons why I'd want to move on again.

Edited by L00b
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Are you sure about that?


Miliband's attack on NHS privatisation left in tatters as figures reveal Labour outsourced TWICE as much as the Coalition

Official figures show less than 6% of the NHS budget is outsourced

More than 4.4% of the NHS was contracted out under Labour

Last Labour government outsourced 0.5% of the NHS budget every year

But the Coalition has only contracted out 0.25% of the budget each year



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As much as I can be. Do you have evidence to the contrary?


From Christmas to May large chunks were flogged off as never before and it's not like to the right to try and counter the decision with smoke and mirrors is it? Their whole election campaign was smear, flip/spin and smoke and mirrors

Edited by -Boomer-
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From Christmas to May large chunks were flogged off as never before and it's not like to the right to try and counter the decision with smoke and mirrors is it? Their whole election campaign was smear, flip/spin and smoke and mirrors


Any evidence?

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