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The Scottish Question.

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I suppose it's inevitable that I end up getting into these slanging matches with Le Maquis....


It's inevitable that you get into slanging matches because you're small-minded and comment on things you know nothing about and which happen on the other side of the world to you. You don't even have the intelligence to use google to do a bit of research.

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The Scots voted in a referendum that they wanted to be part of the union. They voted in a general election that they didn't want Miliband in charge of that union. There are one or two round here that did and haven't quite got to grips with the facts yet.:hihi:


But didnt the Scots get promised different things, by the different parties; what did they did they get?

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Has Cameron started a sequence of events with his 'demonising' of the Scottish in his 'Vote Labour get the SNP' for a short term gain.


Randolf Churchill did this for Ireland in the 1880's and we know how that problem developed for a over a hundred years.


Oh yeah, he represents the Conservative and UNIONIST party.


Just to be clear. Since 2010 the Scottish people have voted out of office 98% of Miliband's Labour MPs. They have voted out of office 90% of Clegg's Libdem MPs. They still have 100% of Cameron's Tory MPs. Just what are you claiming they are lashing out at?

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It's inevitable that you get into slanging matches because you're small-minded and comment on things you know nothing about and which happen on the other side of the world to you. You don't even have the intelligence to use google to do a bit of research.


I don't have to keep being bleddy well reminded that I'm an expat and that I live in the US.


I'm still very much an Englishman in many ways even though I've been away a long time


It's snotty nose arrogant Englishmen like you that get the rest of us an undeserved reputation for being the same. Maybe that's one of the reasons the Scots want out :D

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I don't have to keep being bleddy well reminded that I'm an expat and that I live in the US.


I'd agree you are on every issue except gun control and US Fawn Policy.


I'm still very much an Englishman in many ways even though I've been away a long time


It's snotty nose arrogant Englishmen like you that get the rest of us an undeserved reputation for being the same. Maybe that's one of the reasons the Scots want out :D


I have met a lot of immigrants who have to be more English than the English. You are an emigrant who has to be more English than the English. It is indeed the arrogant English who are driving the Scots away, but they are right-wing arrogant English.

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I'd agree you are on every issue except gun control and US Fawn Policy.




I have met a lot of immigrants who have to be more English than the English. You are an emigrant who has to be more English than the English. It is indeed the arrogant English who are driving the Scots away, but they are right-wing arrogant English.


:hihi: I have met a lot of immigrants who are less American than Americans, myself included if it comes to that.


Scottish independence has nothing to do with right wing politics. The Scottish Labour party got a shellacking the other day just to prove that.


It's all about national pride and emotional patriotism taking over from what the real issues are


I've seen all this garbage and flag waving before in Quebec. They even elected a separatist provincial government but thirty years on they are still part of Canada yet the Quebec nationalists are still sounding off on the glories of independence from Canada.


Waste of time the lot of em

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It's started.

No powers given to them will be enough.

Every Government action re: Scotland will be arrogant, "appalling and anti-democratic".


Cameron and the Tory party will reap what they sowed. I don't think they care afterall the loss of 56 SNP, 1 Labour and 1 Lib-Dem MP's from Westminster will make them more secure.



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I think Cameron will give them a fair bit of what they ask for, enough to avoid a referendum (lest Sturgeon perjures herself à la Farage), at the same time handing them plenty enough fiscal rope to hang themselves with over the next 5 years ;)

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Has Cameron started a sequence of events with his 'demonising' of the Scottish in his 'Vote Labour get the SNP' for a short term gain.


Randolf Churchill did this for Ireland in the 1880's and we know how that problem developed for a over a hundred years.


Oh yeah, he represents the Conservative and UNIONIST party.


1. He represents the United Kingdom as its Prime Minister.

2. There is no such thing as the UNIONIST party.

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Too much fuss is being made over Scotland, its only a country of 5 or so million, 58 or 59 MP's is the most it can possibly get. It needs to be put back in its place, if they dot like it and leave it wont be the end of the world, we'll just point and laugh as the country falls apart and becomes a Russian satellite state.


*removes tongue from cheek*

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