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Can you help me understand politics?


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People of Sheffield, I need your help... I though about posting this on Facebook, but those people know me, and I know most of their opinions so I feel this would be a fairer place to ask.


I'm not educated very well in the way of politics and I've sat back and watched/listened to all of the debates over the last few weeks eager to learn what it's all about and what it means for me, and my family.

I understand how many parties there are and who they are. I understand that they all make certain promises on what they'd like to do if they come into power.


There's a lot I don't understand however. I don't want an argument to start in this post. I'm simply looking for facts, not opinions on who's done what wrong or right etc etc.


For Example: "we'll have to pay for our own healthcare, because conservatives are now leaders" this doesn't help me understand why people are saying this, it just looks like an opinion to me, the reasons/facts behind this statement is what I'd like to know.


I'd really like to understand more about the following points. Please can you help me with facts to back up these points and educate me further! :)


*NHS privatisation - What is this, and why is it bad? I've read that the NHS are selling contracts to private companies to provide care (which could be better care, but also costs). I can't see why we will have to pay for our own healthcare, is this because there will be an increase in tax due to selling NHS services to private companies?


*The Rich will become richer and and the poor poorer - How?


*The human rights act - What is this and what will it mean if it's abolished?


*EU referendum - What would it mean to not be part of the EU?


I see a lot of people saying they the disabled are going to be affected by thos result. But I've read on the internet that the government will be helping disabled people that can work, get in to work and people that can't will still receive help.


I don't favour any of the main 4 parties, purely because I have no understanding of what they want to achieve or what they stand for. I would also be asking these questions of Labour won the election, as well as the SNP and Lib Dems too!


I just really want to know the facts to help me understand our government and the changes they are going to make.


Thank you for taking the time to read! Looking forward to your comments.

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The Conservatives want to lower taxes. With the extra money you have,, they want you to buy your own healthcare, education etc.


Labour want to raise taxes. With the extra money they have from you, they will pay for your healthcare, education etc.

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I understand what you are saying. I haven't really got that much knowledge in politics although I have always voted. This time round, I have made a concerted effort to read up on what's what and who's who. I've listened to debates, read the papers etc. etc.


In the end, I got a friend who understands all about politics to explain to me exactly the questions you are asking, Europe, NHS, immigration, Trident(!) all aspects. I've now got a better idea although not enough to answer your questions.


I feel much better making the effort.


Hope you get the answers to your questions and I will follow this thread with interest.


I felt stupid at first admitting I hadn't a clue what they were on about but I bet there's loads of people the same

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The Conservatives want to lower taxes. With the extra money you have,, they want you to buy your own healthcare, education etc.


In what sense? The information I've found shows that contracts for treatment has been outsourced to private companies, improving healthcare in some cases (costly at times). But nobody has paid for this, apart from the NHS.


Are you saying that due to the NHS paying more for the odd private service involment is going to increase our taxes hence "is paying for our own treatment"? Or are you Implying that everybody's everyday healthcare will be chargeable. E.g free at the point of use, followed by a nice bill for the treatment ? Like the U.S. If so, can you show me where I can see factual information to back this up?

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In what sense? The information I've found shows that contracts for treatment has been outsourced to private companies, improving healthcare in some cases (costly at times). But nobody has paid for this, apart from the NHS.


Are you saying that due to the NHS paying more for the odd private service involment is going to increase our taxes hence "is paying for our own treatment"? Or are you Implying that everybody's everyday healthcare will be chargeable. E.g free at the point of use, followed by a nice bill for the treatment ? Like the U.S. If so, can you show me where I can see factual information to back this up?


the fear is that the increasing use of private companies is the start of a process by which the "free at the point" of use principle is replaced by the principle of "you pay for it or die screaming in agony"

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In what sense? The information I've found shows that contracts for treatment has been outsourced to private companies, improving healthcare in some cases (costly at times). But nobody has paid for this, apart from the NHS.


Are you saying that due to the NHS paying more for the odd private service involment is going to increase our taxes hence "is paying for our own treatment"? Or are you Implying that everybody's everyday healthcare will be chargeable. E.g free at the point of use, followed by a nice bill for the treatment ? Like the U.S. If so, can you show me where I can see factual information to back this up?


I'm not really talking about specifics here; I mentioned healthcare and education as examples. I'm giving you an overview of the way these parties think and operate. Labour think the State is most important so they tax higher to pay for the things they think you want the state to provide. The Conservatives think the individual is most important so they tax lower so you can make your own choices on what is important to you, and use the extra tax you would save under them to provide those things for yourself.

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the fear is that the increasing use of private companies is the start of a process by which the "free at the point" of use principle is replaced by the principle of "you pay for it or die screaming in agony"


Where what this view come from though? From what I have found factually there is nothing to suggest this will happen.


Yes I understand our taxes may increase by the increased used of the contracts with private companies (how much I don't know but how much can it be?) but this hasn't happened, there's no facts to prove this will happen and ever will happen.


Excuse me ignorance but if there are facts that prove this is going to happen them please show me.


I must stress that I'm not For any party right now, I'm just trying to find the facts about who they are and what they really stand for. It seems people either Jump on the band wagon from hearing things fed to them from the media/social media or from friends and family without actually knowing any real facts themselves.


---------- Post added 09-05-2015 at 23:41 ----------


Lets hope we keep the NHS or people will really suffer. Anyone who voted for the tories if we lose the NHS i hope they all find thenselves struggling to pay for healthcare and suffer!!!!!!


What makes you think we're going to "lose the NHS" can you provide facts to back this up? Rather than opinions?

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