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London protests

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My point being that if you want to change things in this country those on the left, (if that includes you???) should spend less time insulting people, grow up a bit and spend more time trying to think up some credible policies to get themselves elected.




Just out of interest, do you know who this man is?


---------- Post added 11-05-2015 at 14:03 ----------


And you seem a tad familiar, do I know you from a previous incarnation :hihi:

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Excellent post.

You think someone who puts an X in a box on polling day as scum.

But someone who defaces a memorial to some very brave women in the war fighting the German occupation of Europe is fine?


You have exposed yourself superbly


No no no. I didnt know thy had defaced a memorial :( i take it back if they have!!!!!! Ithought they were doing a protest, standing outside with signs!!! Yes if they have done that then they are worse than scum!!! And i hold my hands up at my error.

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Oh yes it is




Well only if you consider a heavily biased media, corporate cronyism and repugnant smear campaigns of the opposition as 'democratic'.


You'd have thought a left biased media would have helped Labour though..



You're damn tootin it ain't the best effin system


Proportional representation is the only fair way that every vote counts


That's the thing about PR there are so many choices... D'Hondt, STV, mixed member, Party list.... which one...?





They have a marginal majority. The smallest in history.


Cobblers. You are forgetting your history - what was Labour's majority in October 1974? Just 3 MP's but it never stopped the 47th Parliament being perfectly legitamate.


These are just people. Unhappy with a government that has looked after the banks, rather than us. I'd be doing the same, given half an opportunity....bring back the seventies! When people at least had some backbone. Wouldn't take any of this bull**** lying down.


Excuse me but which party bailed the banks out? Which party did nothing to reform banking in the thirteen odd years it was in power. Which party appeared to be in utter thrall to the City?


Compare that to the parties that has been passing legislation in the last five years to actually curb the excesses of the banks...


As for bringing back the 70's lets look at the record of it....


Inflation reaching 26% - a record for the last 100 years...

Interest rates reaching 17% higest BoE rate ever...

Strike hours productivity lost six times higher than in the 1990-2000

A three day week due to insufficient coal - on a country built on the stuff.

IMF loans begged - well we know how many of those weve had and which decade it was.


Leave the 1970's out. We were the sick man of Europe and everyone was laughing their socks off at us.


---------- Post added 11-05-2015 at 14:42 ----------


Seen that on here a lot - "scum", "nasty party" thrown around a lot when referring to the Tories.


Which is particularly ironic, being as they love to call the Tories the nasty party.


---------- Post added 11-05-2015 at 14:47 ----------


So what will you do when your times comes to not get what you want, because that time is coming soon?


Conservative voters had that for thirteen years of Labour screwing up.


How many of them did you see rioting every May BH?


Countryside alliance - 2002 was 400,000 people. Essentially no trouble.


Whiny sore election losers last weekend got themselves arrested, caused no end of trouble and tried to storm Downing Street.


Labour lost the election. Suck it up and deal with it Mecky.


I presume that's why you changed your username btw - so you didn't have to face the indignity of defeat and could still make snide comments..

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The protesters in the pictures I have seen appear to be the usual spoilt kids of middle class socialists, they are basically a bunch of clueless student toss pots, mingling with some brainwashed militant lefties !


Yep my thoughts exactly or Socialist Worker Party as they are more commonly known.

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Cobblers. You are forgetting your history - what was Labour's majority in October 1974? Just 3 MP's but it never stopped the 47th Parliament being perfectly legitamate


Smallest conservative majority dude


Compare that to the parties that has been passing legislation in the last five years to actually curb the excesses of the banks...


Such as?


As for bringing back the 70's lets look at the record of it


I was talking about bringing back the activism of the time, get with the program :hihi:



Which is particularly ironic, being as they love to call the Tories the nasty party


Which they are :nod:

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Smallest conservative majority dude




Such as?




I was talking about bringing back the activism of the time, get with the program :hihi:





Which they are :nod:



You were using the fact it was a small majority to say that it meant the election was less legitamate. I was pointing out the obvious error in your argument. Get clued up dude.


I was showing what the activism of the time resulted in. Get real about what the program entails..


Oh look - and you resort to the usual whiney snidey abuse.


You lost. Suck it up and deal with it. I dont much care how you do but dont go trashing things in a riot in a fit of pique and misplaced entitlement.

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You were using the fact it was a small majority to say that it meant the election was less legitamate. I was pointing out the obvious error in your argument. Get clued up dude.


I was showing what the activism of the time resulted in. Get real about what the program entails..


Oh look - and you resort to the usual whiney snidey abuse.


You lost. Suck it up and deal with it. I dont much care how you do but dont go trashing things in a riot in a fit of pique and misplaced entitlement.


Protest of this sort are great news. Every one add 10,000 to the Tory ballot box at the next election.

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Protest of this sort are great news. Every one add 10,000 to the Tory ballot box at the next election.


Plus when the Government finally fixes the gerrymandering done by Labour it's going to even harder to get a socialist Government

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