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At what age should you be able to claim Housing Benefit

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I actually dont think the current government give a toss...its pointless debating it really.


I think that there is a small problem, but just going back to not helping the young is not the right way forward. We shouldnt just give young people a semi-detached house, but we should make sure that they are safe and have a roof over their heads.

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is there actually any proper, peer reviewed, evidence that anyone actually did this and if they did was there a significant number or was it just the odd one or two?


As I say, in my mind I seem to link the lowering of the age limit for social housing to the raise in young pregnancies and the availability of that housing to those young people.

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is there actually any proper, peer reviewed, evidence that anyone actually did this and if they did was there a significant number or was it just the odd one or two?


The amount of births to young mothers has been consistently falling for decades.


Birth rates falling have been the long term trend, with small blips here and there - like the recent small rise in births, the long term trend is still a fall in births.


Far from there being a baby boom, we are in the midst of a 44 year long baby bust.


Teenage pregnancies and completions continue to fall.

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When somebody is 18 they are legally an adult and it's wrong to bake a woolly concept of continued parental responsibilities into legislation, say making the assumption that everybody has a family there to guide and care for them up to age 25. Many people who reach 18 are entering adulthood after suffering terribly during their upbringing. Not supporting those people is cruel IMO and the biggest kick in the teeth is people who don't understand life and who have never suffered telling them their families should still be there until they're 25, and they can't get any help because of that


I speak from experience having left home in the 1980s at 2 weeks past my 18th birthday to escape the person had viciously bullied me for 18 years - my dad. Went to London and made my own way in the world, not without help, but not everybody has the gumption to make a decisive move like I did.

good post, but unfortunately politicians don't do real-world situations or common sense
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