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Strange and mysterious happenings!

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I wouldn't advise playing with that stuff I've done Ouija boards, voodoo, chants and prayers to the darkness and as you may get a positive reaction in the future you'll pay for it.


Lol, Ouija boards are a harmless children's toy, and what most people these days understand by the term 'voodoo' is complete nonsense made up to demonise other cultures and religions because white Christians didn't understand the practices of the descendants of Africans in the Caribbean and the US.

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I was in bed one night laying on my side when I felt a body laying very close up to me directly behind me. I could not move and could feel the weight and warmth of a person's body. When I rolled over to look no one was there.


Psssst... Patricia, read my post #30

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Years ago I worked on one of the ice cream carts in Meadowhall. We were just opening up so I was filling the shelves up and therefore had my back to the counter,

A voice asked for a bottle of coke and a 7up (if I remember correctly) so I got them out of the fridge, turned around and told him how much it was. He looked really confused so I apologised and asked if Id misheard him, he said 'no, thats what I want, but Ive not asked you for them yet'.

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My OH believes in Aliens!! BIG TIME! I think he's mental but he's adamant I'll be proven wrong one of these days :)


Chelle, two words for your OH, Travis Walton. That's if he hasn't already heard of him.


The movie Fire in the Sky is actually pretty good. I'm sure it's embellished to make it more interesting, but Travis Walton's story (if true) was pretty scary.

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I've had a couple of things I can't explain but I'm not a believer (although I do belong to a club that goes looking for ghosts I'm in it for the social aspect more than anything, I'm the resident skeptic )


It always makes me laugh how when something unexplained happens people form the conclusion 'ghost' when it's actually something unexplained. I've seen countless examples of people saying 'I had a supernatural experience' when it's blatantly obvious it's sleep paralysis, or the atmospheric conditions playing tricks with them, or suggestion.


I don't understand what's wrong with saying 'something happened to me that I can't explain' rather than 'I've seen/felt a ghost'


It really gets my goat when people call me closed minded for not believing. I always say 'hang on, I don't know what that was, I'm open to suggestion, you're the one deciding it's a ghost' I just don't understand how someone who refuses to acknowledge it could be any number of things and jumps to the conclusion 'ghost' can call someone else close minded.


It's the same with UFO'S, how do you extrapolate 'alien spaceship' from something that you've seen in the sky that you can't identify ? I find it mind boggling.

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Chelle, two words for your OH, Travis Walton. That's if he hasn't already heard of him.


The movie Fire in the Sky is actually pretty good. I'm sure it's embellished to make it more interesting, but Travis Walton's story (if true) was pretty scary.


Yep... he's heard of him :hihi::hihi:


Thanks though :)


---------- Post added 07-10-2016 at 10:14 ----------


Three things spring to mind and two can probably be explained rationally so no real belief in these things:


I'll post them in age order as in how recent they happened.


1, When I was around 14 my Mum and Dad had gone away for the evening and taken my younger brother with them, I had a friend sleep over, we were sat downstairs at around midnight and we were talking about ghosts etc as you do when you are young and want to scare yourself silly and jokingly I said "if there are any spirits in the house please knock once" nothing happened for what seemed like a while but about 3 minutes after there was a knock so loud I thought someone was at the door, no one was there. Then my mate said the same thing and there was an instant loud bang from upstairs. We tried again but nothing happened and it never worked again but both me and my friend experienced this.


2, Same house but I was way older, staying over at my Mum and Dads as I was out drinking in their local area (Aughton) I was about 29, my old room was at the far end of the landing and you had to walk across the top of the stairs to get to the toilet, around 3am I walked to the toilet and I swear there was a hooded person stood at the bottom of the stairs staring up at me, I looked away heart pounding, looked back and nothing was there. I searched the whole house thinking it may have been a burglar but found nothing. To add as well I did suffer from sleep paralysis a couple of times whilst I lived in this house and have not suffered with it since moving out, sleep paralysis is absolutely horrifying and recently my Mum admitted it has happened to her a couple of times as well. Strangely the house is not built on a grave yard haha or anything and is a new property where my parents were the first occupants.


3, Lastly and most recent and probably the weirdest as it really is a strange co-incidence. A work colleague of mine had been off long term ill, he was not a close friend in fact to be fair I barely knew him. I had only worked with him about 2 months before he was off for six month. I had not spoken of him or thought about him at all but this one night about 2 years ago I dreamt about him, quite vivid but nothing unusual I was in the office talking to him about his family and work etc it was very real, I woke from the dream around 3am and could not get back to sleep. Went to work tired and stressed opened my emails and saw an email from the director explaining that unfortunately the same colleague I had been dreaming of had lost his battle with cancer during the night. I was really freaked out and other than my wife and my Mum this is the first time I have mentioned it. A lot of my work colleagues who had been at the company longer than I have were very close friends with him and I do not know how they would react if I told them.


But that's the sum total of my weird experiences make of them what you will.


WOW number 3 is really cool... Apparently this happens quite a lot to a lot of people :cool:

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