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Good old conservatives

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Is having three kids 'breeding like rabbits'. What if you had one kid, planned another then ended up having twins?


What if you have kids you could afford to support at the time then have an accident or illness?


I'm not convinced there should be child benefit at all. Why should the state subsidise lifestyle choices. If it didn't exist already it would be thought a ludicrous proposition. Wholesale child benefit should be scrapped and the billions saved used to better support children who really need it.

Regarding accident or illness, a responsible parent would take out insurance for that very scenario.

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Oh the Daily Mirror. Yes, what a "source" that is. Opinion from people about what MIGHT happen. That was the basis of the OP's rant.


Having read the words "may" "it was claimed" "talked about" "Former Labour Mayor says...." "Paul O Grady commented...." all in the space of a short article forgive me if I don't care right now.


I might be more interested in the OP's rant when they actually have some FACTS and EVIDENCE of what the Tories actually will do.


The Daily Mirror source might as well be the Beano for all its worth. You couldn't get more biased.

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What exactly is wrong with the bedroom tax anyway? Just because a someone bought up a family in a council house should it mean that they should keep it once their children have grown up? Or they move into a property that has more rooms than they need?


This isn't right wing thinking but simply common sense. You want a nice big house then get off your backside and earn the right



People can't move into a council property "that has more rooms than they need".


Those that are now forced to pay bedroom tax (and this raises every time the rent does) are older people but not pensioners yet because the age has been put up for that as well, who moved in with their familys and were working at the time but no longer are for differing reasons like illness, redundancy, or were women who divorced but stayed in the family home and brought the kids up and now they are grown and left and she wants to go back to work, there are no ruddy jobs.


Please note that in most cases these tenants are those that still retain the right to buy.:suspect:


How come they want to charge bedroom tax on a council rent of under a £100, yet not on a private rented property of over that?


Is it that we are to move back to the time when there were 2/3 family's living in a 2up 2down property?


Also your comment about a large house. Have you ever been in a council house? I pay £12 per week for a 9ftx6ft second bedroom. I did downsize to a 2 from a three bedroom when my kids left home. They will have to carry me out of here in a box. This my home not some figure on a chart.


People of your ilk really P me off. You haven't got a clue.

Edited by liza D
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There is a shortage of 1 bedroom properties and there are not enough of them for the people who need to downsize.

This is one of the reasons why the bedroom tax is unfair..


There are plenty of one bed flats for rent in the private rental market.

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I suspect this is how its going to be for a while. A load of silly stories based on nothing but resentment doing the rounds to try and discredit a Govt just because its not the one you want.

Tories made it clear they would cut £12billion from benefits, and they still got 100 more seats than Labour. Get over it.

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