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"I've paid into the system!"

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Picked this up in another thread and thought it was worthy making a new thread about:


"I paid into the system, so I should get something back".


I've noticed it ever since I moved here, people really do feel entitled to public money, whether it is the NHS, benefits or pensions, but if that is the case, shouldn't people who paid more into the system be getting more out of it?

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shouldn't people who paid more into the system be getting more out of it?


I thought it was only the wealthy that have put more in, than they get back?


A person that earns £13,000, and then the state has paid for his education, and health care, roads n stuff; can there be any left over for years of not working?

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Picked this up in another thread and thought it was worthy making a new thread about:


"I paid into the system, so I should get something back".


I've noticed it ever since I moved here, people really do feel entitled to public money, whether it is the NHS, benefits or pensions, but if that is the case, shouldn't people who paid more into the system be getting more out of it?


The entitlement generation is a real problem.


I once had a discussion with a couple who worked in the public sector. They seemed to think it was their role to find every benefit there is to give to people they deemed entitled. I asked if these people needed the benefits they where taking and they couldn't comprehend the notion.


"Do they need it"?

"but they are entitled to it"

"no you're not answering the question, do they need it"?

"but they are entitled to it"

:roll: :roll: :roll:


It was a long evening

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Picked this up in another thread and thought it was worthy making a new thread about:


"I paid into the system, so I should get something back".


I've noticed it ever since I moved here, people really do feel entitled to public money, whether it is the NHS, benefits or pensions, but if that is the case, shouldn't people who paid more into the system be getting more out of it?


It's a weird sense of entitlement isn't it... And most likely the people who say it haven't made a net contribution anyway...


---------- Post added 11-05-2015 at 12:00 ----------


The entitlement generation is a real problem.


I once had a discussion with a couple who worked in the public sector. They seemed to think it was their role to find every benefit there is to give to people they deemed entitled. I asked if these people needed the benefits they where taking and they couldn't comprehend the notion.


"Do they need it"?

"but they are entitled to it"

"no you're not answering the question, do they need it"?

"but they are entitled to it"

:roll: :roll: :roll:


It was a long evening


Need and entitlement should actually be linked, and by should I mean from what I understand are. Benefits are all situation dependant, so if you're entitled then the state has judged you to be in need.

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"I paid into the system, so I should get something back".
In my experience, people with that mindset think that the 'system' works like some sort of giant piggy box, accruing their hard earned in their sole name. What they fail to realise is that what whilever they are paying in, the money goes to those who don't pay in and to those (mostly retired) who used to pay. And when there's not been enough being paid-in for a while year-in year-out (and/or too much has been paid-out relative to earnings for a while, same-o), eventually less and less gets paid out (a.k.a. 'cuts').


I've been paying in at the top rate for the last 15 years, and will likely continue to do so for another 20+ years, yet I'm enough of a realist to know to expect sod all when my time comes to 'get something back' (unless the age pyramid starts to play in my generation and later generation's favour, after the baby boomers are all gone...but that's a big if, as they're going to leave a sizeable budgetary hole by the time the last one goes) .


Politics have little to do with this (and the UK should actually be commended, as having at least started to do something about it), the exact same problem befalls all developed (and developing) countries with social support systems and a state-pensioned ageing population.

Edited by L00b
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Need and entitlement should actually be linked, and by should I mean from what I understand are. Benefits are all situation dependant, so if you're entitled then the state has judged you to be in need.


Not all benefits are judged as need. Take TV license or Bus passes.


My point was, this couple, took it upon themselves to find more benefits for people who were happily living on what they already received. The were unaware they could claim more at the time. This couple where not tasked to do so, but they saw it as a moral crusade to get as much for these people as they could.


Now I'm not saying they where totally wrong. What I am pointing out is how they could not understand the difference between entitlement and need.

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Not all benefits are judged as need. Take TV license or Bus passes.


My point was, this couple, took it upon themselves to find more benefits for people who were happily living on what they already received. The were unaware they could claim more at the time. This couple where not tasked to do so, but they saw it as a moral crusade to get as much for these people as they could.


Now I'm not saying they where totally wrong. What I am pointing out is how they could not understand the difference between entitlement and need.


Who are you, or anyone else for that matter, to decide the needs of others?

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The entitlement generation is a real problem.


I once had a discussion with a couple who worked in the public sector. They seemed to think it was their role to find every benefit there is to give to people they deemed entitled.

What's the problem with that? Entitlement works both ways.


People are entitled to tax-relief on their pension contributions. Do you think that should be applied on a basis of necessity?

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