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"I've paid into the system!"

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It's nothing to do with us is an immoral justification IMO for not reporting a crime. It IS to do with you as you belong to this society.


Because only super heroes would call the police to report a car being stolen :huh:


Well I disagree. If you can guage usefulness to society by the fact of not reporting every crime you see, you are wide of the mark.

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Perhaps you can either explain how it's a personal attack and on whom, or withdraw the accusation.


Calling me immoral on the basis I dont report every random crime or a car break in is clearly wide of the mark. Insinuating I condone car theft is another wild and inaccurate point of attack with no factual basis.


Its much like when you claimed on an earlier tesco thread I 'condoned shop theft' which later switched to 'thief sympathiser' which later turned to silence because you couldnt back up your claim, because obviously I said nothing of the sort.


So I won't be withdrawing any accusation. hope thats clear.


---------- Post added 12-05-2015 at 15:25 ----------


You interpreted this as to mean "see a car with a smashed window" :roll:


you didnt say 'witness a break-in'. So I interpreted the question.


So get it right. Is it witness a car break in? or simply notice a break in has been committed?

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So you quoted the wrong post then?


You did condone car theft, you specifically said that you wouldn't report it if you saw it unless it was your car.

I think I got bored on the other thread, you kept attempting to justify theft against large companies as if it were somehow okay, I vaguely remember it. Still sounds like you're condoning shop lifting against tescos to me...


---------- Post added 12-05-2015 at 15:38 ----------


Calling me immoral on the basis I dont report every random crime or a car break in is clearly wide of the mark. Insinuating I condone car theft is another wild and inaccurate point of attack with no factual basis.


So would you report a car theft?


you didnt say 'witness a break-in'. So I interpreted the question.


So get it right. Is it witness a car break in? or simply notice a break in has been committed?

It's what I said... quite clearly


So would you report a car theft?

Not witness a break-in. A car theft. Nothing about break ins... It's about the theft of a car.

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My nan is 84 years old, she still works. She works 5 days a week, 6 hours a day. She is unable to retire as her pension will not cover the amount of money she requires to keep paying the rent on her home that she has lived in for over 56yrs. Apart from her pension she is not entitled to any other benefits.

I'm going to call this, because I know the benefits system.


Your grandmother is entitled to a basic income of around £150 per week on Pension Credit, and then extra depending on her savings, and then HBen on top to help with her rent. If she is in poor health (who isn't at 84?) she may get extra too. If she is ill and lives alone, then a bit more.


What is she renting? A palace? Why does she need an income of nearly £17,000 * just to pay her basic bills?


Smells off to me.



Basic state pension. circa £6,000

30 hours work at NMW. circa £11,000

Take away income tax.

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I'm going to call this, because I know the benefits system.


Your grandmother is entitled to a basic income of around £150 per week on Pension Credit, and then extra depending on her savings, and then HBen on top to help with her rent. If she is in poor health (who isn't at 84?) she may get extra too. If she is ill and lives alone, then a bit more.


What is she renting? A palace? Why does she need an income of nearly £17,000 * just to pay her basic bills?


Smells off to me.



Basic state pension. circa £6,000

30 hours work at NMW. circa £11,000

Take away income tax.


I believe it is called a married persons pension? My granddad paid the pension for the both of them. He died before my nan hit retirement age. I don't know the ins and outs of it, maybe I ought to read up on it but I don't think she'd appreciate me snooping in her business. Very proud person.


And as matter of fact, my nan is fit as a fiddle and could run rings around people 20 - 30 yrs her junior! I think she keeps herself fit by still being active and going to work.

Edited by Chelle-82
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