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Tesco & sale of goods act relating to a faulty TV

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It just depends if you have the balls ( or sense of injustice ) to embarras yourself.


There's a lot to be said for this tactic, a polite 'eff off' from the shop soon turns into 'please have what you deserve then go away'.



re the op, it's tesco who need to be replacing it, soga on a tv would equate to about 4-7 years of reasonable use. What good is a £60 voucher? It in no way will fix or replace the tv but is an admission of sorts of a fault...

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Cheers Love2print. Sale of goods act was the intention. Just not sure what you do after Tesco refuse to help, which is what I am expecting to happen!


It depends on what Tesco say, as I said they could insist on proof that the TV did not conform to contact. This would usually be in the form of an independent engineers report.


How much did the TV cost? Would be good to know because you said the TV was a cheap one, therefore the offer of a £60 voucher might be a good offer. After a year they are not going to get a full refund, they would be looking at a partial one.

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You have to take usage into account...


A TV gets used on average 6-7 hours per day - at that rate it should last two years or more...


But say a person is disabled or cant get out, and it's in use for 12 or more hours per day - it'll reduce its life greatly

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