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Why do people object to Call to Prayer?

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The question was asked of plain talker so I have no question to answer and I didn't say two wrongs make a right, I just pointed out the hypocrisy...


You implied that there was a balance. It's okay to agree with people you know. You have the eloquence but do you have the courage to damn both societies.


However, to progress, the accepted behaviour often shines a light on the general mores of a society. The accepted level of drunkeness in the UK is too high, imo. The accepted level of dress in the UK is in the vast magority of examples is okay, imo.


Perhaps you could let us have your opinion of the expected level of modesty(in women only!), the death penalty, and means of execution, in muslim countries.



I don't know how long bells are rung for or how long the call to prayer lasts.

Straight question? Its my belief that the C-to-P is 5 times a day perhaps you could enlighten me.

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Fruitfull, because it acknowledges that Englishness (or Britishness) is not some static thing. It changes all the time.


Yes it does, England 1000 years ago was a very different place to England in the 21st century. Its the speed of change that scares people. When they can look back to how things were when they were younger and the country pails in comparison, they lament changes they can see around them and rightly so. The speed of change has increased over time and so more and more people notice it and disagree with it.

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So if Mosques slowly start to broadcast the call to prayer then people will be okay with it?


So long as they aren't breaking laws regarding making noise, I don't see the problem.


---------- Post added 14-05-2015 at 09:34 ----------


How do you follow the religion of your choice if you can't act and say what you like, some religions call for actions that is not permitted hence the followers are not free to follow the religion in accordance to their beliefs.


Are you claiming then that in the UK you do not have freedom of religion?


I'm not going to argue if that's your claim, the facts speak for themselves, no matter how you try to twist it.


---------- Post added 14-05-2015 at 09:37 ----------


What if they are one and the same? The religion I was born in to commands me to stone both married female rape victims and women who were not virgins on their wedding day.


What would happen to me if I decided to follow the instructions of God?


Freedom of religion is not freedom to interpret it and commit illegal acts. You are free to follow Islam, Christianity or Jedi. You're not free to stone rape victims just because you're a Muslim or a Christian and you don't have the power to judge and sentence people just because you're a Jedi.


But we all knew that and you two are just arguing about it because you can't help yourselves.

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So if Mosques slowly start to broadcast the call to prayer then people will be okay with it?


So long as they aren't breaking laws regarding making noise, I don't see the problem.


---------- Post added 14-05-2015 at 09:34 ----------



Are you claiming then that in the UK you do not have freedom of religion?


I'm not going to argue if that's your claim, the facts speak for themselves, no matter how you try to twist it.


---------- Post added 14-05-2015 at 09:37 ----------



Freedom of religion is not freedom to interpret it and commit illegal acts. You are free to follow Islam, Christianity or Jedi. You're not free to stone rape victims just because you're a Muslim or a Christian and you don't have the power to judge and sentence people just because you're a Jedi.


But we all knew that and you two are just arguing about it because you can't help yourselves.

Is Sharia?[spelling] law legal in this Country.

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Freedom of religion is not freedom to interpret it and commit illegal acts. You are free to follow Islam, Christianity or Jedi. You're not free to stone rape victims just because you're a Muslim or a Christian and you don't have the power to judge and sentence people just because you're a Jedi.


But we all knew that and you two are just arguing about it because you can't help yourselves.


Jedi isn't a religion.


The stoning of rape victims is a direct order from God, can't be interpreted any other way.


"Can't help ourselves", look at your post count mate.

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Is Sharia?[spelling] law legal in this Country.


As legal as Christian law or Jewish law, which is to say that it can't overrule the law of the land, but can be used to arbitrate disputes, why?


---------- Post added 14-05-2015 at 11:29 ----------


Jedi isn't a religion.


The stoning of rape victims is a direct order from God, can't be interpreted any other way.


"Can't help ourselves", look at your post count mate.


So can you be a Christian or a Muslim in the UK, or does the state stop you?

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So if Mosques slowly start to broadcast the call to prayer then people will be okay with it?


So long as they aren't breaking laws regarding making noise, I don't see the problem.


Well I and I suspect the majority of people would disagree. Its fundamentally alien to our country and has no place within out boarders.


Impedance of equal rights is also part of Islamic culture in many countries, should we import that too to appease a minority of a minority?

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