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Why do people object to Call to Prayer?

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The facts are that some people can't follow their religious beliefs because doing so would be against the law.


If the alleged Christians who don't want to allow gay couples to stay at their B and B are the people you're talking about, you need to provide further examples.


Their behaviour is most definitely unChristian.

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I snipped the bits where you twist words and meanings to try to score a point.




13 countries will see you executed for being an atheist.




The ruling Chinese Communist Party is officially an atheist organisation. China’s constitution provides for freedom of religious belief, but the government actively restricts any religious expression that could potentially undermine its authority. Only five religious groups — Buddhists, Taoists, Muslims, Catholics and Protestants — can register with the government and legally hold services. Adherents of unregistered faiths and folk religions often worship illegally and in secret. Uighur Muslims, Tibetan Buddhists and Falun Gong practitioners have faced particularly severe repression in recent years, including forced conversion, torture and imprisonment.


That's a lack of religious freedom.


---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 07:42 ----------


Would you eat a person? No, why, because its culturally prohibited. Its not illegal but you are prevented from doing so. This is the answer to your question:


Correct (I think I said it first) its not illegal, but do you avoid tax if everyone does it? No. Yet another example of how all aspects of our lives are not governed by laws.


Are you claiming that people don't avoid tax and that tax is an area not covered by law :D

Great joke.

Tax avoidance only exists because of the mass of complex law surrounding it. You couldn't USE the law to avoid tax if the law were simpler.


I've chewed a bit of dry skin off my finger and swallowed it. Take that cultural norms.

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If the alleged Christians who don't want to allow gay couples to stay at their B and B are the people you're talking about, you need to provide further examples.

Their behaviour is most definitely unChristian.


Its not religious freedom when one group of people dictates what another group of peoples beliefs should be.


The right to hold beliefs.


Article 9 protects your right to hold both religious and non-religious beliefs.


Everyone earth has those rights.


The right to manifest your beliefs.


This is the part that doesn't apply to everyone, some can manifest their beliefs without state interference and some can't, that also applies to everyone on the planet.


---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 08:26 ----------





13 countries will see you executed for being an atheist.




That's a lack of religious freedom.


A lack of religious freedom is not being allowed to express your religious beliefs without state interference, and the UK does interfere in the expression of some peoples religious beliefs, therefor the UK doesn't have religious freedom.

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If the alleged Christians who don't want to allow gay couples to stay at their B and B are the people you're talking about, you need to provide further examples.


Their behaviour is most definitely unChristian.


I would say it is most definitely Christian. God (whose words and instructions take primacy over Jesus') hates gays, calls them an abomination and condemns them to hell (a fate worse than Auschwitz). The Abrahamic God is a scumbag.

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If the alleged Christians who don't want to allow gay couples to stay at their B and B are the people you're talking about, you need to provide further examples.


Their behaviour is most definitely unChristian.


It is un Christian., to be Christian they would have to kill the gay couple.

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I complained about my local church bells. The weird cult that runs the place refers to their leader as 'The Vicar'.


I emailed him to complain because they were starting the bells at full volume at 9am on a Sunday morning. They now do it at 11am. It's still a horrible racket, but at least it's not so early any more.


I wouldn't have objected if they were real bells, but they replaced those with electronic bells and amplified speakers in the belfry. It's weird because it starts and finishes abruptly mid-peal and there's never any variation.


In the same way I hate the amplified call to prayer from mosques, but don't object to the traditional sung call to prayer without amplification. I've spent a lot of time in Islamic countries all over the world and almost everywhere I've been I ended up in a hotel right next to a mosque and got woken up at dawn by an awful din.


One time I was in Sidi Bou Said near Tunis and the local mosque still did the unamplified call to prayer. It was like a lullaby and would send me straight back to sleep :)



You have been to the most interesting places :)


I once saw a band called Sidi Bou Said. Closest I ever got.

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Its not religious freedom when one group of people dictates what another group of peoples beliefs should be.


The right to hold beliefs.


Article 9 protects your right to hold both religious and non-religious beliefs.


Everyone earth has those rights.


The right to manifest your beliefs.


This is the part that doesn't apply to everyone, some can manifest their beliefs without state interference and some can't, that also applies to everyone on the planet.


---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 08:26 ----------



A lack of religious freedom is not being allowed to express your religious beliefs without state interference, and the UK does interfere in the expression of some peoples religious beliefs, therefor the UK doesn't have religious freedom.


Okay, whatever you like to believe. It's a free world after all.

My opinion is that you're either barking mad or a blatant troll.

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Okay, whatever you like to believe. It's a free world after all.

My opinion is that you're either barking mad or a blatant troll.


Mine is that you don't like it when you are shown to be wrong, hence the reason you insult people when they demonstrate that your opinion is flawed.

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