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Why do people object to Call to Prayer?

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It's just a discordant din. I don't have that much of a problem with it on special occasion, but not five times a day. People have watches, phones and other devices with the time on. They don't need shouting to remind them to go and pray.


Mmmm, maybe, but heard live, rather than recorded, at 5 in the morning in the predawn light of a soon to be swelteringly hot Istanbul on the rooftop where you slept and with the faint whiff of sewerage mixing in with other exotic scents, it can be quite lovely.


Besides, I don't know of any mosques that are broadcasting it five times a day anyway.

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An import? You mean like those other middle-eastern religious imports, Judaism and Christianity...?


---------- Post added 12-05-2015 at 21:29 ----------



1) Football hooliganism?


2) drunken yobs fighting and spewing all over the street, and young women falling over showing next week's dirty laundry


3) the lovely newly-planted trees on Devonshire green etc, either snapped in half by mindless idiots, or standing folornly, with branches ripped off.


4) being unable to sit beneath a tree for fear of getting splattered by bird poop.


5) shaven-headed neo-nazi nasties, trying to tell ordinary people what religion they can or cannot follow, whilst waving swastika- strewn flags.

You missed child grooming in Rotherham.

Forced Marriage between cousins that are little more than children [with all the health problems that brings.

Mobs mocking our troops returning from trying to free Afghanistan from the Taliban or Isis .

That lot make football supporters and street drinkers look like angels.

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You missed child grooming in Rotherham.

Forced Marriage between cousins that are little more than children [with all the health problems that brings.

Mobs mocking our troops returning from trying to free Afghanistan from the Taliban or Isis .

That lot make football supporters and street drinkers look like angels.


Non Muslims groom children too,

Forced marriages are totally different to arranged marriages,

Mobs mocking troops are exercising their right to demonstrate against indiscriminate killing of civilians in unjustified wars with Muslim country's. :rolleyes:

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Non Muslims groom children too,

Forced marriages are totally different to arranged marriages,

Mobs mocking troops are exercising their right to demonstrate against indiscriminate killing of civilians in unjustified wars with Muslim country's. :rolleyes:

And flying jet planes into office buildings or blowing up trains and buses in England and America ,two Countries that have given refuge to people from all over the World.

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And flying jet planes into office buildings or blowing up trains and buses in England and America ,two Countries that have given refuge to people from all over the World.


A German pilot recently crashed a plane did he not?

Timothy mcveigh tried blowing up a building in America a while ago, these things are not exclusively done by Muslims you know. :rolleyes:


---------- Post added 12-05-2015 at 22:25 ----------


And spitting in the street, and shouting into mobile phones, and being spaced out on Khat, and .....


Non Muslims also spit in the street and shout into mobile phones, Dom jolly made a programme containing a shouting loudly into a phone sketch.

The spaced out on khat thing is done by people who can't afford proper Cocaine or amphetamines. :hihi:

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Non Muslims groom children too,

Forced marriages are totally different to arranged marriages,

Mobs mocking troops are exercising their right to demonstrate against indiscriminate killing of civilians in unjustified wars with Muslim country's. :rolleyes:


I'm sure Gary Glitter and Jimmy Savile were both shi'ites, Mafya...

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The problem is of course been Islamic culture is more advanced in many aspects but it isn't compatible with western lifestyles, so clashes and segregation is inevitable.

How can a culture that is still living in the middle ages be more advanced?

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How can a culture that is still living in the middle ages be more advanced?


They are more community minded, look after their elders better, they're cleaner, don't masturbate, men sit down for number 1's and have less slapperism and control their undesirables better, although coz of western influences this seems to be diminishing now in lots of areas.

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