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Why do people object to Call to Prayer?

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It's alien to the a large number (majority?) who don't live in towns and cities with a large muslim population. Church bells are not. They are everywhere and despite Christianity being an import, it's been an import for centuries.


However, 30 (40?) odd years ago curry houses were the preserve of town and cities with large immigrant populations. Now they're everywhere and nobody would bat an eyelid of one opening in the most remote places. But even so it's less "invasive" than a call to prayer. In 20 years time calls to prayer will no doubt be more common and more widespread and be as unremarkable as church bells often are. But I think it's a bit early to say it's not alien to british culture.

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1) Football hooliganism?


Not something that is purely English. Do some research.


2) drunken yobs fighting and spewing all over the street, and young women falling over showing next week's dirty laundry


Again, not something confined to the English or England. I have witnessed this in other countries done by other nationalities.


3) the lovely newly-planted trees on Devonshire green etc, either snapped in half by mindless idiots, or standing folornly, with branches ripped off.


Not aware of this. A real shame if what you say is true. There are a few idiots about anywhere that will spoil everybodys' environment.


4) being unable to sit beneath a tree for fear of getting splattered by bird poop.


Are you serious? Is this something that is purely English? What do you think we should do about this, shoot the birds?


5) shaven-headed neo-nazi nasties, trying to tell ordinary people what religion they can or cannot follow, whilst waving swastika- strewn flags.


Is this something you encounter every day? It is not something I have ever come across.


Of course the swastika flag is an English thing isn't it? :loopy:

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The problem is of course been Islamic culture is more advanced in many aspects but it isn't compatible with western lifestyles, so clashes and segregation is inevitable.


I am Muslim, and live a perfectly ok western lifestyle. The only thing I do that isn't compatible with a western lifestyle is that I don't go out and get bladdered of a weekend, fight and show off my underwear.

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church mosque synagogue whatever if the folks that use them feel the need to be there at a particular time then fine but there is absolutely no need involve the rest of us.. we don't need to know what you are doing or where keep it to yourselves.


As if there is not enough unnecessary noise in the world. You don't pay council or business tax you could at least have the decency to be quiet.



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