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Should you ever forgive an infidelity?

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It depends on the circumstances and the personalities involved. If one partner couldn't have sex any more because of a medical condition for instance, it may be understandable but also maybe still hurtful.


Also in some cases people are married in name only and hate each other, and don't care what they get up to just so long as they don't have to be in the same room as their partner.


But yes, I've known men cheat on their wives and usually they cheat more than once.


Sally Bercow's life is a bit of a car smash. I never thought I'd feel sorry for her but looking at the state of her, you can't but be a bit sympathetic.

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Why should that not apply to all forms of deceit?


If someone lies,will they stop lying.Lots of people raise children on "white" lies and then wonder why they turn into liars and deceivers.


I think its a personal decision dependent upon the circumstances at the time.

I think the circumstances are more important than the offence.


well, there may be some truth in that, Willman.


My mother (who had many "sayings") used to say "You can get to the bottom of a theif, but you'll never get to the bottom of a liar"


and I wholeheartedly accept that cheating on your partner is similar to lying, as, yes, they are both deceit.

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I think it depends on the curcumstances. I have known quite a few of both sexes who have been unfaithful. Some would definately do it again but others would not.


I have seem marriages break up and both partners lived in misery afterwards yet I beleive the shame of being caught would have stopped it from happening again. So depending on the person an curcumstances maybe forgivness can work,

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I have found it very hard to forgive infidelity in the past, and have chosen to end the relationship rather than try to work on trust issues once the trust has been seriously damaged in that way, but I wouldn't want to instruct anybody else on how to run their relationships. If they can forgive and are prepared to put the work in then that is their choice and I respect that, even if I think that in their position I'd rather be alone than with someone who deliberately lied to me in that way.

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Sorry but what has Mrs Bercow's infidelity allege or otherwise got to do with any of us? Surely between her, Hubby and the other party to sort out. Sweet fa to do with anyone else to be honest.


---------- Post added 29-05-2015 at 04:50 ----------


Yesterday it was revealed that Sally Bercow, the wife of the Speaker in the House of Commons, allegedly had an affair with her husband’s cousin. Sally has reportedly taken all responsibility for the infidelity and wants to remain friends. Joining us today are two women who’ve experienced cheating from both sides of the situation, author Marina Pearson, who cheated on her newly wedded husband , and private detective Rebecca Jane, who was cheated on and managed to find it in her heart to forgive.




And ? This is your business exactly why? Bit of juicy gossip? Will it change the life of anyone in the UK? Nope None of our business in my view and actually who cares ?

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Sorry but what has Mrs Bercow's infidelity allege or otherwise got to do with any of us? Surely between her, Hubby and the other party to sort out. Sweet fa to do with anyone else to be honest.


---------- Post added 29-05-2015 at 04:50 ----------


And ? This is your business exactly why? Bit of juicy gossip? Will it change the life of anyone in the UK? Nope None of our business in my view and actually who cares ?


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I don't think he should forgive, he will look like a mug. A real man wouldn't stand for that. He is fairly wealthy and famous, he could be banging a young girl that would be interested in him for wealth and social status.

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