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Should you ever forgive an infidelity?

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I don't believe infidelity is a "forgivable offence".


If they'll cheat once, there's every chance they will cheat again.


Also, if his "whatnot" has been near someone else's "whatsit", I would not want it anywhere near mine, you don't know what he might have picked up. ugh!


So you only sleep with virgins?

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The difference there being Hosea was a prophet of God, I'm not. ;)

Hosea's actions were to demonstrate to the Jews of that time that they had turned away from their fidelity towards their God and had, to quote the bible " gone whoring after other gods"


That's if you believe that the people of the Bible were "stained glass puppets" just going through symbolic motions. Hosea was a man who had the experience of an adulterous wife, and forgave her. This gave him insight into "God's" reaction to the Jews forsaking their faith.

You seem to imply that it was the other way round: "I'm worried about people deserting God, so I'll send my wife off to commit adultery so I can write about her"

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