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Is this 'Ride me all day for £3' advert, offensive?

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Objectification is a notion central to feminist theory. It can be roughly defined as the seeing and/or treating a person, usually a woman, as an object.



By definition all humans are objects and since the dawn of time humans have looked at each other.


Missing the point by a mile...again.


No, all humans are not objects. They are sentient beings, capable of thinking and feeling. 'Objects' are inanimate, incapable of thinking or feeling.


Got it?:rolleyes:

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I've no problem with the 'ride me all day' ad, although I don't particularly find it very clever. What I object to are advert like this! :gag:

I mean, who in their right mind would buy car insurance from a company that comes up with a campaign of such monumental drivel!? What's it got to do with cars, and why take the proverbial out of gay people? The guy looks/acts like an idiot in the first place. Grrr! :rant::loopy:

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The advert has done its job ..or is in the process of doing so.


Good adverts get people to talk about them to spread the message even faster.


Usually by design I'm sure, but perhaps not always, but the irony is that it is the people that most object to a particular advert or campaign that (by design) bring attention to its existence to those that were unaware whilst helping to spread the message even faster.


In short they Knew you'd complain and now you have ...thank you very much suckers.






Travel all day for 3 quid ought to be done in sheffield too,.

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